Cell Phones Pose Health Risk?

Do Convenient, Little Cell Phones Pose Health Risk? The Toronto Star Journalist: Theresa Ebden January 28, 1999 High-frequency cordless models alarm scientist What is the price of cordless convenience? A top research scientist in electromagnetic radiation believes high- frequency cordless phones are a health hazard. “That’s alarming!” cried renowned American scientist Henry Lai, when told […]

Brain tumor was caused by Cell Phone Radiation

Cell phones To Blame For My Tumors Man wants more than R500m and a health warning on phones Mail & Guardian Journalist: Rory Carroll December 27, 1998 A Pretoria man is suing two cellphone companies for more than R500-million because he developed a brain tumor which, he claims, was caused by his cellphone. Terry Hutchings, […]

Are We Being Told The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation?

Are We Being Told The Truth About Mobile Phones Radiation? The Sunday Times Journalists: Cherry Norton and Richard Woods December 20, 1998 Companies insist mobile phones are safe. Users suspect they cause ill-health. Now scientists say the industry is downplaying evidence of the risks. Ringing the alarm Ralph Mills first knew something was seriously wrong […]

The Study That Started It All! EMF Hazards – EMF/RF Radiation Induced Birth Defect Abnormalities in Embryos.

About RF Safe: Protecting Yourself from Radiofrequency Radiation RF Safe is an online resource dedicated to providing education and solutions to reduce exposure to radiofrequency (RF) radiation from wireless devices. The website was founded by John Coates in 1998, long before the widespread use of cell phones, with the aim of raising awareness about the […]

Cell Phones Affect Brain Activity

Cell Phones Affect Brain Activity Reuters Health November 17, 1998 Cellular phones emit pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic fields that may affect the electrical activity in the human brain in certain situations, according to a study in the October 5th issue of the journal Neuroreport. But German researchers report that the health effects of their findings are […]

Scientist Fails In UK Legal Action Over Cellular Phone Radiation

Scientist Fails In UK Legal Action Over Cellular Phone Radiation Newsbytes News Network Journalist: Steve Gold November 16, 1998 The world’s first civil lawsuit regarding the harmful effects of cellular radiation has failed, with magistrates refusing the case on the grounds that the scientist bringing the prosecution, Roger Coghill, had failed to prove that mobile […]

International Study On Health Effects Of Mobile Cell Phone Radiation

International Study On Health Effects Of Mobile (Cellular) Phones To Go Ahead International Union Against Cancer Press Release September 14, 1998 An international study of whether mobile phone use causes brain cancer in humans is feasible. This was the conclusion of a group of scientists from 10 countries who met at the International Agency for […]