Cell Phones Cancer Connection

Cell Phones Cancer Connection The Australian Newspaper April 29, 1997 Journalist: Stewart Fist A team of scientists funded by Telstra to investigate claimed links between cellular phones and cancer has turned up probably the most significant finding of an adverse health effects yet. When presented to ‘Science’ magazine for publication the study was rejected on […]

Food and Drug Administration Says Cell Phone Health Study Needs 5 Years

Food and Drug Administration Says Cell Phone Health Study Needs 5 Years Reuters (April 09, 1997) April 10, 1997 U.S. health officials say at least five years of research is needed to determine for sure whether wireless devices pose health risks. Speaking to an advisory panel, officials from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said […]

Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields are being seen as a possible cancer risk.

Reprogramming: Calling Concerns Australian Consolidated Press Journalist: Selina Mitchell March 7, 1997 Australia’s per capita ownership of mobile phones is one of the highest in the world, but just what are the risks, if any? The jury is still out on this question, but there is growing scientific evidence to suggest that more research is […]

Parliament electromagnetic radiation and its possible health effects

Democrats In Parliament: 12 February, 1997 Australian Senate Hansard For 12 February, 1997 ADJOURNMENT Mobile Phones February 12, 1997 Senator ALLISON (Victoria)(7.26 p.m.)–I rise again to speak tonight on the subject of electromagnetic radiation and its possible health effects. I am prompted to raise this matter again because of a number of recent events of […]

How Dangerous Is Your Mobile Phone?

How Dangerous Is Your Mobile Phone? Translation of an article published in the Swedish newspaper ‘Aftonbladet’ February 8th, 1997. Journalist: Jan Helin Scientists raise the alarm: How dangerous is your mobile phone Five ways to reduce the risk How to protect your child The two-page article inside the paper reads: Do you dare call from […]

Mobile Phone Use Linked To Alzheimer’s

Mobile Phone Use Linked To Alzheimer’s Daily Telegraph June 3, 1996 A WARNING on a possible link between using mobile phones and diseases such as asthma, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer is given today by scientists from America, Australia and Sweden. The scientists, who have been examining the effects of radiation similar to that produced by […]

Injury To The CNS Caused By Simulated Mobile Telephone Radio Frequency Radiation

Possible Acute Injury To The CNS Caused By Simulated Mobile Telephone Radio Frequency Fields Professor – Dr. Niels Kuster Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Electronics Laboratory – Department of Electrical Engineering In Collaboration With The Max Planck Institutes for Neurological Research, Cologne and Heidelberg July 11, 1995 Altered expression of specific genes in response to RF […]

Possible Brain Tumor Promotion By Simulated Mobile Phone Radio Frequency Fields

Possible Brain Tumor Promotion By Simulated Mobile Phone Radio Frequency Fields Professor – Dr. Niels Kuster Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Electronics Laboratory – Department of Electrical Engineering In Collaboration With Loma Linda VA Medical Center, Loma Linda CA, USA July 11, 1995 The safety of mobile communications devices has recently come under intense scrutiny. At […]

Are Cell Phones Safe?

Are Cell Phones Safe? Wall Street Journal Journalist: John J. Keller February 11, 1994 Nobody knows. But studies are under way to determine the health effects of cellular-frequency radio waves. Do Cellular Telephones Cause Brain Cancer? For a while last year, that was the wireless question that everybody wanted answered. The furor has died down […]