Apple iPhone XS MAX Radiation Levels

Body SAR (Simultaneous)
Body SAR (Simultaneous)
1.52 W/kg is Ranked #46 at 95.00% of Legal Limit
Info: Anti-Radiation Phone Case
Radiation LevelsHEAD BODY HOT SPOT
Cellular Only1.16 W/kg1.17 W/kg1.17 W/kg
Wi-Fi + Cellular1.39 W/kg1.52 W/kg1.52 W/kg

Apple iPhone Xs Max SAR Level Summary:

The cellular transmission SAR values for the Apple iPhone Xs Max (FCC ID BCG-E3219A) are 1.16 W/kg (watts per kilogram) at the head and 1.17 W/kg when worn on the body. The hotspot/Airplay SAR level is 1.17 W/kg. The simultaneous transmission SAR values for iPhone XS MAX (cellular plus Wi-Fi) is 1.39 W/kg at the head, 1.52 W/kg when worn on the body, and 1.52 W/kg when used as a hotspot simultaneously with other transmitters active.

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Apple iPhone XS MAX Safety Tip: Turning Off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Reduces Radiation.

This SAR chart reveals how turning off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on your Apple iPhone XS MAX can significantly reduce your exposure to radiation. Our SAR comparison chart shows that by simply turning off these transmitters, you can lower the RF radiation exposure to your head by 16.4%, and you can lower exposure to the body by 22.9%, when considering these differences between cellular-only (Wi-Fi/Bluetooth OFF) and simultaneous use exposure (Wi-Fi/Bluetooth ON), a wise way to reduce excessive phone radiation is to tap off unnecessary transmitters when not in use. Additionally, when using your phone as a hotspot, turning off Bluetooth can reduce your exposure by up to 29.6% according to the FCC SAR report for device number BCG-E3219A.

Apple iPhone XS MAX SAR Levels

Comparison of SAR levels between cellular-only and simultaneous exposure
HEAD1.164 W/kg16.4%1.392 W/kg
BODY1.171 W/kg22.9%1.518 W/kg
HOTSPOT1.171 W/kg29.6%1.518 W/kg

Key Takeaways

  • Children vs Adults: Children have higher SAR levels due to thinner skulls and developing tissues, making them more vulnerable to radiation.
  • Wi-Fi Impact: Simultaneous use of cellular and Wi-Fi transmission increases SAR levels for all age groups.
  • Precautionary Measures: Using radiation protection products like QuantaCase can help mitigate these risks, especially for younger users.

By understanding these differences, parents and guardians can make informed decisions to better protect their children from excessive microwave radiation exposure, emphasizing the need for safer smartphone usage practices and protective accessories like QuantaCase.

Centered Image

Avoid Excessive iphone-xs-max Cell Phone Radiation!

To minimize the potential health risks associated with cell phone radiation, it’s important to reduce exposure as much as possible. This can be achieved by using hands-free devices and keeping the phone away from the body, as well as by using a phone case with built-in radiation shielding technology.

The best example is the RF Safe® iphone-xs-max QuantaCase™ RFS1. This case is designed to deflect the strongest line-of-sight radiation away from the body while not obstructing the phone’s antenna. RF shielding technology reduces excessive radiation exposure across a wide range of radio frequencies, including 5G, Wi-Fi, and cellular. Additionally, the case features an integrated single-slot RFID-blocking wallet for added security.

The QuantaCase RFS1 provides RFID and anti-radiation protection without any conductive or signal-impeding components in the back of the case, allowing the phone to operate at its lowest possible output level and reducing the amount of harmful radiation emitted. The case also protects the phone from scratches, cracks, and dings.

To use the RF Safe® iphone-xs-max QuantaCase™ RFS1 effectively, it’s recommended to always close the front flip cover and use the speakerphone when privacy is not an issue. When storing in a pocket, face the front flap towards the body to deflect the strongest line-of-sight radiation. When texting, fold the flap behind the phone to shield the back while held in hand.

It’s important to keep in mind that maintaining a distance from the phone is the best way to reduce EMF exposure. However, using a phone case with built-in radiation shielding technology like the RF Safe® iphone-xs-max QuantaCase™ RFS1 can provide an extra layer of protection in an ultra-thin design.

The Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of a mobile device measures the amount of radio frequency energy absorbed by the body during device usage.

The SAR values for the iphone-xs-max (FCC ID BCG-E3219A) are as follows:

  • 1.16 W/kg when held at the head with cellular transmission only
  • 1.17 W/kg when worn on the body with cellular transmission only
  • 1.17 W/kg when used as a Hotspot or Airplay
  • 1.39 W/kg when held at the head with simultaneous cellular and Wi-Fi transmission
  • 1.52 W/kg when worn on the body with simultaneous cellular and Wi-Fi transmission
  • 1.52 when used as a Hotspot simultaneously with other transmitters active.
The RF Safe Score (RSS) for iPhone 11 Pro Max is: 22 out of 99

Here’s a table with the SAR levels, ranks, and percentages of the limit for each test for the Apple iPhone XS MAX:



Apple iPhone XS MAX SAR Levels

Test SAR Level (W/kg) Rank % of Limit
Head SAR Level 1.16 67 72.50
Body SAR Level 1.17 68 73.13
Simultaneous Head SAR 1.39 34 86.88
Simultaneous Body SAR 1.52 49 95.00
Hotspot SAR Level 1.17 51 73.13
Simultaneous Hotspot SAR 1.52 36 95.00

The RF Safe Score (RSS) algorithm can be mathematically expressed as follows:

RSS = ∑ (-5.5 * [SARi/1.6 – 0.5] * [SARi/1.6 > 0.5]) for i = 1 to n

Where SARi is the Specific Absorption Rate of the i-th test, and n is the total number of tests. This equation calculates the negative point value assigned to each threshold surpassed in proportion to the specific absorption rate of each test, taking into account the legal limit established by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of 1.6 W/kg.

Using the SAR values for the Apple iPhone Xs Max provided for the example. We can calculate the RF Safe Score (RSS) using the algorithm provided. The SAR values for the Head, Body, and Hotspot are 1.16 W/kg, 1.17 W/kg, and 1.17 W/kg, respectively. The simultaneous transmission SAR values for (cellular plus Wi-Fi) are 1.39 W/kg at the head, 1.52 W/kg when worn on the body, and 1.52 W/kg when used as a hotspot simultaneously with other transmitters active.

First, we will calculate the percentage of the legal limit (1.6 W/kg) that each SAR value represents:

Head SAR = 1.16 W/kg = 73% of the legal limit

Body SAR = 1.17 W/kg = 73% of the legal limit

Hotspot SAR = 1.17 W/kg = 73% of the legal limit

Simultaneous Head SAR = 1.39 W/kg = 87% of the legal limit

Simultaneous Body SAR = 1.52 W/kg = 95% of the legal limit

Simultaneous Hotspot SAR = 1.52 W/kg = 95% of the legal limit

Next, we will apply the step function (-5.5 * [SARi/1.6 – 0.5] * [SARi/1.6 > 0.5]) for each SAR value:

Head SAR = (-5.5 * [73/100 – 0.5] * 1) = -5.5

Body SAR = (-5.5 * [73/100 – 0.5] * 1) = -5.5

Hotspot SAR = (-5.5 * [73/100 – 0.5] * 1) = -5.5

Simultaneous Head SAR = (-5.5 * [87/100 – 0.5] * 1) = -5.5

Simultaneous Body SAR = (-5.5 * [95/100 – 0.5] * 1) = -16.5

Simultaneous Hotspot SAR = (-5.5 * [95/100 – 0.5] * 1) = -16.5

Finally, we will add up the results for all the SAR values to get the overall RF Safe Score (RSS)

RSS = -5.5 + -5.5 + -5.5 + -5.5 + -16.5 + -16.5 = -59

So the final RF Safe Score (RSS) for the Apple iPhone Xs Max is -59, indicating a higher potential risk from cell phone usage over a lifetime than we’d like to see.

We can do this in a single equation written like this to get the RSS (RF Safe Score):

RSS = (-5.5 * [73/100 – 0.5]) * [73/100 > 0.5] + (-5.5 * [73/100 – 0.5]) * [73/100 > 0.5] + (-5.5 * [73/100 – 0.5]) * [73/100 > 0.5] + (-5.5 * [87/100 – 0.5]) * [87/100 > 0.5] + (-5.5 * [95/100 – 0.5]) * [95/100 > 0.5] + (-5.5 * [95/100 – 0.5]) * [95/100 > 0.5] = -59 (Raw Number)

In this equation, the SAR values for the head, body, hotspot, simultaneous head, simultaneous body, and simultaneous hotspot are used. It calculates the percentage of the legal limit for each SAR value, applies the step function (-5.5 * [SARi/1.6 – 0.5]) * [SARi/1.6 > 0.5]) for each SAR value, and then sums up the results for all the SAR values to get the overall RF Safe Score (RSS).

It’s important to note that this equation assumes the legal limit is 1.6 W/kg.


  1. Protect yourself and your loved ones from the potential health risks of cell phone usage with the RF Safe Score (RSS) algorithm.
  2. Want to know how safe your phone really is? Check out the RF Safe Score (RSS) and make an informed decision about cell phone usage.
  3. The RF Safe Score (RSS) algorithm takes into account the fact that children absorb more energy from cell phones, giving you a more accurate assessment of risk.
  4. Don’t just rely on the SAR values provided by manufacturers, use the RF Safe Score (RSS) algorithm for a more comprehensive understanding of cell phone safety.
  5. Worried about the long-term effects of cell phone usage? The RF Safe Score (RSS) algorithm can help you make a more informed decision.
  6. The RF Safe Score (RSS) algorithm is based on well-understood physics and takes into account the fact that thinner skulls absorb more energy at the same SAR value.
  7. The RF Safe Score (RSS) algorithm is the most accurate way to determine the potential health risks associated with cell phone usage.
  8. Don’t leave your cell phone safety to chance, use the RF Safe Score (RSS) algorithm to make an informed decision about usage.
  9. The RF Safe Score (RSS) algorithm is not just for parents, it’s for anyone concerned about the potential health risks of cell phone usage.
  1. Want to reduce your risk of cell phone-related health issues? Use the RF Safe Score (RSS) algorithm to make an informed decision about usage.
  2. Are you aware of the potential health risks associated with cell phone usage? Use the RF Safe Score (RSS) algorithm to stay informed.
  3. The RF Safe Score (RSS) algorithm is a game-changer for cell phone safety, providing an accurate and comprehensive assessment of risk.
  4. Don’t be left in the dark about the safety of your cell phone, use the RF Safe Score (RSS) algorithm to make an informed decision.
  5. The RF Safe Score (RSS) algorithm is designed to give you a more complete understanding of the potential health risks associated with cell phone usage.
  6. Stay ahead of the curve when it comes to cell phone safety, use the RF Safe Score (RSS) algorithm to make an informed decision about usage.

It’s important to note that the FCC guidelines do not consider skulls thinner than 2mm, which can absorb more energy at the same SAR value. The RF Safe Score algorithm addresses this issue by allowing consumers to make informed decisions about cell phone usage.

Please note again, the legal limit of 1.6 W/kg refers to the limit established by the FCC, SAR standard may vary globally and it’s important to check with the specific authorities for the information that applies to your location.

Please note the table is an estimation based on the information provided and the legal limit of 1.6 W/kg, that refers to the maximum limit accepted by the FCC, this may be different depending on the country where you are located, also SAR standards may vary globally.

According to test reports filed with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for the Apple iPhone XS MAX is 1.16 watts per kilogram (w/kg) at your head, and 1.17 w/kg when worn on your body. The Apple iPhone XS MAX hotspot SAR is 1.17 W/kg. The SAR for simultaneous transmission (cellular, Wi-Fi ) for the Apple iPhone XS MAX is 1.518 W/kg when used as a hotspot simultaneously with all other transmitters active.

All SAR levels reported for the Apple iPhone XS MAX to the FCC are averaged over one gram of body tissue corresponding to the maximum allowable level of 1.6 w/kg. The SAR levels will vary depending upon your specific cell phone carrier (e.g., AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, or Verizon).

The Apple iPhone XS MAX minimum separation distance for body-worn and head testing was 5 mm (about two-tenths of an inch), that requires a smartphone user to maintain this minimum distance for SAR safety compliance.

Apple iPhone XS MAX compliance for body-worn operating configurations is limited to the specific configurations tested for this filing.  Body-worn operations are restricted to belt-clips, holsters or similar accessories that have no metallic component in the assembly and must provide at least 5 mm separation between the device and the user’s body.  End-users must be informed of the body-worn operating requirements for satisfying RF exposure compliance.

It is VERY important to note the minimum separation distance for head and body-worn testing is 5 mm (about two-tenths of an inch). You must at all times have this amount of distance between your body and iPhone XS MAX when in operation to comply with regulatory safety values!

The highest reported Apple iPhone XS MAX levels for the head, body-worn accessory for simultaneous transmission use conditions are 1.392 W/kg and 1.518 W/kg respectively.

Simultaneous Transmission Note(s):
1. Wi-Fi 2.4GHz & Bluetooth cannot transmit simultaneously.
2. Wi-Fi 2.4GHz &Wi-Fi 5GHz cannot transmit simultaneously.
3. WWAN ANT1, ANT2, ANT3,and ANT4 cannot transmit simultaneously

Apple iPhone XS MAX - Specs sar


  • Announced
    12 September 2018
  • Status
  • Price




  • Chipset Chipset is a group of integrated circuits designed to perform one or a more dedicated functions, often with real time computing constraints, Popular smartphones are equipped with more advanced embedded chipsets that can do many different tasks depending on their programming.
    Apple A12 Bionic
  • CPU CPU (Central Processing Unit) mostly known as processors, CPU processes instructions in order to carry out certain functions that make your device operate properly. Processors are often described as the brain of computers, smartphones and tablets, Smartphones and tablets rely on processors to carry out their every task, Processors are an incredibly important factor in selecting any type of computing device, including your smartphone.
    Hexa Core
  • GPU GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) is a single-chip processor designed to rapidly manipulate and alter memory to accelerate the creation of images in a frame buffer intended for output to a display, This includes things such as lighting effects, object transformations, and 3D motion.
    Apple GPU (four-core graphics)
  • Card Slot Memory Card Slot is a special slot for inserting a memory card. Memory cards allow you to expand the phone's built-in memory, A memory card (sometimes called a flash memory card or a storage card) is a small storage medium used to store data such as text, pictures, audio, and video, for use on small, portable or remote computing devices such as mobile phones, mp3 players, digital cameras.
  • Sensors Sensors are electronic components that detects and responds to some type of input from the physical environment. The specific input could be light, heat, motion, moisture, pressure and location, The output is generally a signal that is converted to use in computing systems, a location sensor, such as a GPS receiver is able to detect current location of your electronic device.
    Light sensor, Proximity sensor, Accelerometer, Barometer, Compass, Gyroscope


  • Bluetooth Bluetooth is a wireless communications technology for exchanging data between mobile phones, headsets, computers and other network devices over short distances without wires, Bluetooth technology was primarily designed to support simple wireless networking of personal consumer devices.
    5.0, A2DP, LE
  • USB
    2.0, proprietary reversible connector
  • NFC NFC (Near field communication) is a set of standards for smartphones and similar devices to establish peer-to-peer radio communications with each other by touching them together or bringing them into proximity, usually no more than a few inches.



  • Type Design Type called form factor refers to a mobile phone's size, shape, and style as well as the layout and position of major components of phone. There are three major form factors seen in mobile phones => bar phones, flip phones and sliding phones.
  • Dimensions
    157.5 x 77.4 x 7.7 mm (6.20 x 3.05 x 0.30 in)
  • Weight
    208 g (7.34 oz)
  • Colors
    Space Gray, Silver, Gold


  • FCC Approval Date
    12 September 2018
  • FCC ID
  • FCC Report Link
  • US SAR Ratings
    USA Legal Limit is 1.6 W/kg - FCC SAR testing is measured in watts per kilogram (or W/kg) averaged over ONE gram of simulated biological tissue.
  • Head SAR Level
    1.164 W/kg
  • Body SAR Level
    1.171 W/kg
  • Product Specific Use
    1.171 W/kg
  • Simultaneous Transmission
    1.518 W/kg
  • Simultaneous Head SAR
    1.392 W/kg
  • Simultaneous Body SAR
    1.518 W/kg
  • Hotspot SAR
    1.518 W/kg

EU SAR Level

Apple iPhone XS MAX - Reviews

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Apple iPhone XS MAX - SAR Levels


  • FCC Approval Date
    12 September 2018
  • FCC ID
  • FCC Report Link
  • US SAR Ratings
    USA Legal Limit is 1.6 W/kg - FCC SAR testing is measured in watts per kilogram (or W/kg) averaged over ONE gram of simulated biological tissue.
  • Head SAR Level
    1.164 W/kg
  • Body SAR Level
    1.171 W/kg
  • Product Specific Use
    1.171 W/kg
  • Simultaneous Transmission
    1.518 W/kg
  • Simultaneous Head SAR
    1.392 W/kg
  • Simultaneous Body SAR
    1.518 W/kg
  • Hotspot SAR
    1.518 W/kg