Monthly Archives: June 1999

Cell Phone Hazards Are Real Protect Yourself

Cell Phone Hazards Are Real Protect Yourself Wired News Journalist: Chris Oakes June 21, 1999 The cellular phone industry probably didn’t pay researchers US$27 million dollars hoping they’d produce bad news about the health effects of cell phones. Nonetheless, an industry-funded study has done just that. “These data are the first data that are directly […]

Mobile Phones And Health Inquiry Memorandum

Mobile Phones And Health Inquiry Memorandum By: Dr. Gerald J. Hyland Department of Physics University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom and International Institute of Biophysics Neuss-Holzheim, Germany June 18, 1999 PERSONAL STATEMENT Since 1985, I have been involved with the interaction of non-ionising radiation – specifically MICROWAVES – with living organisms, actively developing the novel […]

Reuters: Cell Phone Radiation Safety 6-9-1999

Cell Phone Radiation Safety Reuters June 9, 1999 Britain cannot be categorical about the safety of using mobile ‘phones, a top government adviser told MPs on Wednesday, as preparations got underway for a new inquiry into the latest public health scare. Responding to recent media and scientific reports that mobile ‘phone radiation posed health risks, […]

Report On Potential Health Risks Of Radiation From Cell Phones

University Of Warwick: New Report On Potential Health Risks Of Radiation From Mobile Telephones Microwave News June 4, 1999 A new report highlighting the fundamental inadequacy of current safety limits governing public exposure to radiation from mobile telephones has been prepared by Dr. Gerard Hyland, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Physics at the University […]