Tag Archives: DNA Damage

Study: Children Suffer Severe Genetic Mutations From Paternal RF Radiation Exposure

New research is now revealing the devastating effects that radiation exposure has on the offspring of armed personnel put at risk during their service.   Details of the study were shared in a paper, titled “Multisite de novo mutations in human offspring after paternal exposure to ionizing radiation”, which was published October 2nd in the Scientific Reports journal. Although insulation […]

Nokia Says Microsoft Must Handle Cell Phone Radiation Health Concerns

Nokia spokesperson Maija Taimi said that Microsoft has acquired mobile device business of Nokia and therefore handsets related queries should be sent to them, including those related to the biological safety of Nokia’s Smartphone devices. That’s the response reporters have received which are inquiring about Microsoft/Nokia’s selective funding of cell phone radiation exposure research. This […]

Cell Phone Radiation Right-To-Know Ordinance Unanimously Passes In Berkeley CA

DID YOU KNOW? The Federal Communication Commission recommends keeping your cell phone 5 to 25 millimeters away from your body, depending on the model, to limit radio frequency exposure to safe levels. A new law in USA will require this WARNING on cell phones: “If you carry or use your phone in a pants or […]

Breaking News: Canadian MP warns consumers of health risks related to cell phone radiation

Terence Young is Oakville’s MP of Southern Ontario, Canada. Located in Halton Region, on Lake Ontario, it is part of the Greater Toronto Area. As of the 2011 census the population was 182,520 making it one of Canada’s largest cities. The insightful conservative MP Terence Young announced that he has multi-party support from MP’s across […]

Slate.com’s Apocalyptical Writer Philip Plait Ushers In Death By Leaving Wireless Radiation Out Of Doomsday Scenario

Phil Plait writes Slate’s Bad Astronomy blog @BadAstronomer which amounts to very bad science as well.  This self proclaiming evangelizer of death, and author of Death From the Skies seems to cunningly look forward to your children dying of cancer like the devil himself disguised as a grim reaper. At least that’s the only way […]

No Surprise! FCC’s Inquiry Into Cell Phone Radiation Favors Wireless Corporations

The FCC has deemed when it comes to exposure to cell phone radiation your ears aren’t part of your body anymore. If we go back to June, 2012, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced it was reviewing its rules on radiation exposure from cell phones.  The FCC’s current Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) limits were set […]

LAW:Berkeley, CA Proposes Warning Labels Alerting of Cell Phone Radiation Dangers

Berkeley city officials are drafting a measure that will require cell phone retailers to put labels on  packaging warning consumers that wireless devices could emit cancer-causing levels of radiation.  Officials said the ordinance’s language will be drafted in a way that complies with the First Amendment, after a similar effort in San Francisco was defeated […]

Does CTIA Outsource Cell Phone Radiation Health Risk Propaganda to COAI Cellular Operators Association of India?

Lets look at the cronies the wireless industry wants consumers to believe are making creditable statements. The wireless industry is getting sloppy!  Clearly based on very illogical reasoning and weak argumentation  – their latest attempts to deceive the public have failed miserably since the CTIA has had to out-source it’s propaganda machine to affiliates in […]

Google Glass Radiation: Health Risk from Wearable Wireless SAR Levels Exceed Smartphones

The Google Glass emits more wireless radiation than most cell phones on the market, but unlike cell phone users, Glass users may be wearing this device on their heads for more than 12 hours a day putting their health at risk. Apr. 15, 2014 – BERKELEY, Calif. — The Google Glass emits both Wi-Fi and […]

New Study Shows Brain Neurodegeneration from Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation

On May 26, 2014 The Neurological Research Journal, an international, peer-reviewed journal for reporting both basic and clinical research in the fields of neurosurgery, neurology, neuroengineering and neurosciences published research proving cell phone radiation does cause brain damage. The current study led by Maheep Bhatnagar and colleagues in suggests long-term use of a cell phone […]