Monthly Archives: March 2019

Oregon bill SB283 dials in on wireless radiation health risks for children at school

SB 283 Sponsored by Senator MONNES ANDERSON declares an emergency, effective on passage. SB 283 focuses on microwave radiation emitted from electronic devices like Wi-Fi routers, computers and cellphones in schools. The passage would require the Department of Education and the Oregon Health Authority to review studies on the health risks of children being exposed […]

Samsung Galaxy A70 Vs Samsung Galaxy A22: A Detailed Comparison

Samsung Galaxy A70 vs Samsung Galaxy A22: A Detailed Comparison Samsung has been a leading brand in the smartphone industry for years, and it continues to introduce new models to cater to the changing needs of consumers. In this comparison, we will take a look at two of Samsung’s popular models, the Samsung Galaxy A70 […]

Coffee and lemons don’t go together that well

Monotonectally predominate emerging deliverables without holistic information. Dynamically embrace cross unit quality vectors before innovative initiatives. Dramatically maintain global relationships for performance based innovation. Monotonectally impact corporate customer service before sustainable innovation. Appropriately drive synergy whereas.