Monthly Archives: November 1999

Rats Exposed To Cell Phone Microwaves Suffer Long-Term Memory Loss

Rats Exposed To Cell Phone Microwaves Suffer Long-Term Memory Loss University Of Washington November 30, 1999 Rats exposed to cell phone microwaves suffer long-term memory loss, according to new study by a University of Washington researcher Microwaves similar to those emitted by cell phones may affect long-term memory, according to a new study by a […]

Proof That Cell Phones Do Cause Brain Damage

Soviet Proof That Cell Phones Do Cause Brain Damage Daily Express Journalist: Kathy Moran November 10, 1999 Evidence that Soviet scientists used mobile phone radiation to cause brain damage more than 20 years ago has been suppressed, it will be revealed today. Intelligence documents have been censored to hide the fact that Western governments have […]

Cell Phone Radiation broke the blood-brain barrier within two minutes

Mobile Phones A Two-Minute Health Hazard Sunday Age Journalist: Simon Mann November 7, 1999 Using a hand-held mobile phone for as little as two minutes could put people at risk of developing disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease, according to a new study. Swedish researchers found that microwaves from mobile phones […]

Alzheimer’s Link To Cell Phones

Alzheimer’s Link To Cell Phones Evening Standard November 6, 1999 Radiation emissions from mobile phones could place users at risk of brain conditions including Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers in Sweden have found that just two minutes’ exposure to energy waves from a handset can disable a defence mechanism in the body designed to prevent harmful proteins […]

Cell Phone Brain Cancer Risk

Cell Phone ‘Brain Cancer Risk’ BBC News November 6, 1999 Mobile phone users are worried about health risks Radiation emissions from mobile phones could place users at risk of brain conditions including Alzheimer’s Disease, according to new reports. Researchers in Sweden have found that just two minutes’ exposure to energy waves from a handset can […]

Scientist Debate Conclusions On Effects Of Radiation From Cell Phones

Scientist Debate Conclusions On Effects Of Radiation From Cell Phones Web MD Journalist: Sylvia Westphal November 5, 1999 A researcher, whose new study finds microwaves can harm rats’ memory, says that extrapolating his findings to cell phones is premature. A Wired News article November 3 said scientists had linked memory problems in rats “with the […]

Cell phone radio frequencies can affect long-term memory functions

Rats Dive Into Cell Phone Debate Wired News Journalist: Kristen Philipkoski November 3, 1999 Cell phones may cause long-term memory loss, a recent study on laboratory rats indicates. Dr. Henry Lai, a research professor in bioengineering at the University of Washington in Seattle has linked long-term memory loss and diminished navigating skills in rats with […]