Monthly Archives: October 2018

Scientist Dismayed by ICNIRP Misinterpretation of Renowned Research on Non-Ionizing Radiation Hazards

In late March, the NTP convened two peer review panels, one to assess the technology used in the study, and one to make recommendations on its findings. The first panel found that the “reverberation chamber technology was adequate” for simulating the effects of cellphone RFR exposure in rats and mice. The second panel voted to […]

Senator Patrick Colbeck Testifies: Health Effects From Wireless Technologies and 5G

Senator Patrick Colbeck Testifies Against the deployment of 5G because of the reported health effects from wireless technologies in a hearing 2018. Learn more about 5G Resources to Take Action on 5G Small Cell Streamlining Bills 3157 is one of many federal streamlining  bills fast tracking through the uS Congress that will pre-empt state and […]

Radiation from smartphones could cause memory loss in teenagers

A new study reveals that right-handed teenage Smartphone users are the most likely to suffer memory loss. Cumulative exposure to mobile phones negatively affects the figural memory This refers to our ability to make sense of objects, patterns, and shapes Sending text messages and browsing the internet could also affect this ability Smartphone radiation could […]

Study: Children Suffer Severe Genetic Mutations From Paternal RF Radiation Exposure

New research is now revealing the devastating effects that radiation exposure has on the offspring of armed personnel put at risk during their service.   Details of the study were shared in a paper, titled “Multisite de novo mutations in human offspring after paternal exposure to ionizing radiation”, which was published October 2nd in the Scientific Reports journal. Although insulation […]

Both 5G Network Frequency and Active Denial Crowd Control Systems Use Millimeter Wave Microwave Technology

Today’s cellular and Wi-Fi networks rely on microwaves – a type of electromagnetic radiation utilizing frequencies up to 6 gigahertz (GHz) in order high-speed wireless transmission of voice and data.  Today’s era of wireless frequency is almost over; making room for new 5 G applications will require using new spectrum bands in much higher frequency […]

Reader’s Digest Says You Should Never Keep Your Phone In Your Pocket or Bra

Backed by science, Reader’s Digest warns smartphone users not to carry their Smartphones in pockets or a bra! NUMBER ONE In your pocket! Keeping your phone in your pocket seems logical, but you could be doing more harm than good. According to Lilly Friedman, MD, this is actually the worst place to store your cell phone. […]

STUDY: Low Phone Signal Strength Increases Microwave Radiation Exposure 10,000 Times

  The paper entitled “Real World Cellular Phone Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure” by Stephen Wall, PhD; Zhong-Min Wang, PhD; Thomas Kendig, BS; Dina Dobraca, MPH and; Michael Lipsett, JD, MD will be published in the peer reviewed journal Environmental Research. This new research paper to be published in the journal Environmental Research today by California […]