Monthly Archives: April 2023

The Impact of Microwave Radiation on Adolescents’ Memory Performance: A Prospective Cohort Study

Wireless communication devices are ubiquitous in today’s world, and exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) has increased as a result. However, the potential health effects of this exposure, particularly on neurological functions, remain a subject of ongoing debate. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between adolescents’ memory performance and their individual brain dose of […]

Does RF Radiation Affect Developing Prefrontal Cortex Leading To School Shooters?

In summary, research has established a link between RF radiation exposure and neuron changes in the brain regions responsible for ADHD, the same part of the brain responsible for empathy; it suggests that environmental factors may be contributing to alterations in our children’s behavior and societal dynamics. Recognizing this potential influence, it is crucial to […]

WORKSHOP: Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity: The State of Science

April 13, 2023; WORKSHOP: Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity: The State of Science  Follow live on webstream: 👉 Title: Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity: The State of Science – A European Parliament Workshop Hosted by MEP Michele Rivasi (Greens/EFA) Event Summary: Electromagnetic-Hyper-Sensitivity (EHS) is a condition characterized by the attribution of various, non-specific symptoms to exposure to man-made electromagnetic fields. This European Parliament workshop […]

Understanding the Science Behind Limiting Mobile Phone Usage to Avoid Potential DNA Damage

The widespread use of mobile phones at a young age has raised concerns about potential health risks associated with radiofrequency radiation (RFR) exposure. A recent study concluded that limiting mobile phone usage is recommended to avoid potential DNA damage. In this article, we’ll dive into the reasons behind this conclusion and provide evidence-based information to […]

Alarming Call: Popular Cellphones Tested for Radiofrequency Radiation.  FCC Lost Lawsuit.

The Chicago Tribune conducted a comprehensive independent investigation, testing 11 cellphone models from four companies for radiofrequency radiation exposure. The tests were conducted according to federal guidelines at an accredited lab, and the results raised questions about whether cellphones always meet safety standards set up to protect the public. Removal of Separation Distance May Lead […]

The Hidden Dangers of Cell Phones: How to Safeguard Your Health and Fertility

Introduction: Cell phones have become an indispensable part of our lives, but their potential impact on our health, especially men’s reproductive health, cannot be ignored. Despite ongoing debates and research, there is increasing evidence linking cell phone radiation to male fertility issues. This article aims to provide insights into the potential hazards of cell phone […]

iPhone 15 Pro Max: New Phone Case, Rumored Specs, Design, and Release Date

The highly anticipated iPhone 15 Pro Max is making waves as rumors about its specs, design, and release date circulate. In this article, we’ll dive deeper into the rumored features and updates, showcasing what Apple fans can potentially look forward to in this flagship device. Design and Build: Curved titanium frame for enhanced durability and […]

Minimizing Radiation Exposure for Smartphone and Tablet Users EU Guide

Ultimate Quick Guide to Smart Device Safety: Minimizing Radiation Exposure for Smartphone and Tablet Users Smartphones and tablets have become essential gadgets in our daily lives, but it’s important to use them safely and minimize radiation exposure. This comprehensive guide will cover important safety tips for smartphone and tablet users, including considerations for children and […]

What Makes a Top Smartphone in Today’s USA Market: The Definitive Guide

In a highly competitive market, what sets a top smartphone apart from the rest? With countless devices available, it’s essential to understand the key factors that contribute to a smartphone’s overall quality and performance. Here are the crucial aspects that make a top smartphone in today’s market: Processor and Performance The heart of any smartphone […]

Are Smart Meters Really Safe? New Research Sheds Light on Radiofrequency Exposure

This study aimed to evaluate the exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields from smart utility meters operating at 868 MHz under laboratory-controlled conditions. The maximum 6-min averaged exposure recorded was 0.1 mWm-2, which is less than 0.0024% of the corresponding 1998 ICNIRP general public reference level. The measured duty factors were less than 2.8%. The study […]