Monthly Archives: September 2023

NTP First Federal Agency Scientists Admit To Using Cell Phone Radiation Precautions

  In a drastic change of position, the federal agency that conducted the world’s largest study on cell phone radiation has become the first governmental agency to admit that their scientists now take precautions to avoid cell phone radiation! The sheer number of so-called “experts” who’ve been spouting their opinions on whether or not cell […]

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler Confronted Over Cell Phone Radiation In Silicon Valley

FLASHBACK – Captured Agency – FCC The link between cell phone radiation and cancer is a topic of ongoing concern, with activists and scientists alike calling for increased regulations and warning labels on devices. In a recent incident, activists in California confronted Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Tom Wheeler during a speech in Silicon Valley, […]

2G and 3G Cell Phones Linked to Cancer in Rats, NTP Study Finds

In recent years, cell phones have become a ubiquitous part of our daily lives. They provide us with a convenient and portable means of communication and access to the internet. However, recent studies have raised concerns about the safety of cell phone usage, especially in regards to the radio frequency radiation (RFR) emitted by these […]

Public Warning Notice: FCC’s Inaction on Mobile Phone Safety Guidelines

For almost the entire time that cell phones have been available to the masses, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has failed to update its safety guidelines to protect the public from the potential risks associated with long-term exposure to radiofrequency (RF) energy. Since 1996, when the FCC last set its safety guidelines and regulations for […]

Cell Phone Radiation and the Glial Cells: Why This Connection Matters

One of the most significant concerns is the link between cell phone use and brain tumors. While some studies have produced inconclusive results, recent research has provided strong evidence that cell phone radiation can indeed cause brain tumors, specifically those arising from the glial cells in the brain and spinal cord. Glial cells are the […]