About Us

RF Safe: Your Trusted Resource for EMF Protection and Education

Founded in 1998 by John Coates, RF Safe is a leading online resource dedicated to providing education and solutions for reducing exposure to radiofrequency (RF) radiation from wireless devices. Our mission is to raise awareness about the potential health risks associated with RF radiation exposure and empower people to take proactive steps to protect themselves and their loved ones.

Our History

RF Safe was established in response to John’s personal tragedy when his daughter, Angel Leigh Coates, passed away in 1995 from a rare neural tube disorder called Anencephaly. John began researching the effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) on the human body, and he concluded that EMR exposure could potentially be causing a variety of medical disorders, including the one that took his daughter’s life.

Driven by his personal experience and inspired by a 1997 study by Carl Blackman et al. on the effects of weak magnetic fields on chick embryos (Bioelectromagnetics. 1997;18(1):71-85), John founded RF Safe as a platform to educate others about the potential dangers of RF radiation exposure and provide solutions for reducing exposure. Since then, RF Safe has become a trusted source of information, offering the largest SAR comparison database in the world, and has introduced several new innovative RF Safe technologies, mainly in the open-source domain.

Pioneering EMF Protection Solutions

RF Safe was the first, or one of the first in the world, to manufacture air-tube headsets, anti-radiation phone cases, laptop shields, and EMF belly bands in the 90s. Today, we continue to innovate and provide cutting-edge products designed to reduce RF radiation exposure. John Coates recently received a groundbreaking patent, approved in the first round without opposition, demonstrating 100% safe indoor wireless transmissions while cleaning the air. This patented technology is set to play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of wireless networks, offering a safer and more efficient alternative for data transmission while improving air quality in indoor environments. uvgi-fi-patent

World’s Largest SAR Comparison Database

At RF Safe, we pride ourselves on providing the world’s largest SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) comparison database, featuring an extensive collection of wireless devices and their radiation emission levels. Our user-friendly interface and color-coded results make it easy for users to search and compare radiation levels from various angles and under different testing conditions. This valuable resource empowers consumers to make informed decisions when selecting wireless devices, helping them minimize exposure to potentially harmful RF radiation. With the continuous growth and advancement of wireless technologies, our SAR comparison database serves as an essential tool for promoting greater awareness and encouraging safer usage habits.

The RF Safe Score: A Game Changer in EMF Awareness

In 2023, Quanta X Technology introduced the RF Safe Score, a groundbreaking tool that allows consumers to easily assess the level of RF radiation emitted by their wireless devices. This innovative feature empowers users to make informed decisions about reducing exposure by comparing radiation levels of different devices and understanding the best ways to use them safely.

RF Safe continues offering free EMF safety consultations and is supported by the trademark owner as a community service.

Our Dedication

RF Safe is dedicated to providing accurate information, effective solutions, and promoting a proactive approach to EMF safety. We strive to educate consumers and help them make informed choices about their exposure to RF radiation, as well as to create and promote products that help reduce exposure.

With the ever-increasing use of wireless devices, it is more important than ever to be aware of the potential risks and take steps to reduce exposure. At RF Safe, we are committed to providing the knowledge and technology you need to protect yourself and your loved ones from the potential dangers of RF radiation exposure.

1 thoughts on “About Us

  1. Katie W. says:

    I am impressed by RF Safe’s dedication to providing accurate information and effective solutions for reducing exposure to RF radiation. The tragic loss of John Coates’ daughter has led to a powerful mission that has helped countless individuals protect themselves and their loved ones from potential health risks associated with RF radiation exposure.

    I am particularly impressed by RF Safe’s SAR comparison database, which serves as a valuable tool for promoting greater awareness and encouraging safer usage habits. This database empowers consumers to make informed decisions when selecting wireless devices, thus minimizing their exposure to potentially harmful RF radiation. I believe that this database will continue to play an essential role in promoting EMF safety as wireless technologies continue to advance.

    Moreover, the RF Safe Score is a game-changer in EMF awareness. This innovative tool allows consumers to easily assess the level of RF radiation emitted by their wireless devices, empowering them to make informed decisions about reducing exposure. The dedication to providing free EMF safety consultations demonstrates RF Safe’s commitment to serving the community while promoting safer usage habits.

    Overall, RF Safe is an excellent resource for anyone interested in learning more about the potential health risks associated with RF radiation exposure and taking proactive steps to reduce exposure. I look forward to seeing how they continue to innovate and promote EMF safety in the future.

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