Author Archives: admin

Wireless Industry’s First Amendment Perversion to Hide Smartphone Radiation Exposure Fails in Supreme Court!

The U.S. Supreme Court just rejected a challenge to the Berkeley cell phone law, bringing to an end over 20 years of telecommunications industry attacks on free speech in order to obfuscate the massive deception they are attempting to continue in order to hide the real danger of cell phone radiation. Why is this such […]

Kidney Damage Cell Phone Radiation Risk

In this video, we’ll be looking at how the use of cell phones is being associated with kidney damage. In recent years many histological and physiological studies have been performed in the evaluation of the hazardous effects of electromagnetic fields on human health regarding cancer, renal system, reproduction and development, central nervous system and immune […]

Insomnia and Depression Cell Phone Radiation Risk

In this video, we’ll be looking at how the use of cell phones is being associated with Insomnia and depression. Cell phones are a daily necessity for most of us, not only for communication, but for leisure activities such as surfing the internet, social media, gaming, watching videos, listening to music and podcasts, and many […]

Inflammatory Bladder Disease Cell Phone Radiation Risk

In this video, we’ll be looking at how the use of cell phones is being associated with inflammatory bladder diseases. It is becoming increasingly evident that cell phone radiation, as well as cell phone use, may be contributing to many human illnesses. Thanks to a 10-year, 30-million-dollar study by the National Toxicology Program, there is […]

Heart Rate Cell Phone Radiation Risk

In this video, we’ll be looking at how the use of cell phones is being associated with changes in the Heart Rate. Is it possible that the electromagnetic fields generated by cell phones may have an influence on the autonomic nervous system, which modulates the function of the circulatory system? The assessment of heart rate […]

Eye Damage Cell Phone Radiation Risk

In this video, we’ll be looking at how the use of cell phones is being associated with damage to the human eye. A study carried out by scientists at Charotar University of Science and Technology has revealed that cell phone radiation can have a negative effect on our eyes. The scientists, who have studied the […]

Erectile Dysfunction Cell Phone Radiation Risk

In this video, we’ll be looking at how the use of cell phones is being associated with erectile function Hundreds of millions of men around the globe use a cell phone on a daily basis. Is it possible that their cell phones may contribute to the development of Erectile Dysfunction? The link between cell phone […]

Diabetes Cell Phone Radiation Study

In this case, the study considered cell phone base stations, or cell phone towers, in residential settings. In this video, we’ll be looking at how the use of cell phones, specifically the cell tower base stations, is being associated with Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes) In a report posted on the U.S. National Library of Medicine, a […]

Dermatitis Cell Phone Radiation Study

In this video, we’ll be looking at how the use of cell phones is being associated with dermatitis. In a report filed on the U.S. National Laboratory of Medicine, it has been shown that cell phone use is being associated with Allergic contact dermatitis, or ACD. This condition is often observed following skin exposure to […]