Author Archives: admin

UCSD Researchers with Help from Chinese Collaborators Discover Potential Method to Increase Lifespan by 82 through Genetic Circuit Rewiring

A team of scientists at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), has made a groundbreaking discovery with the help of Chinese collaborators – a potential method to increase lifespan by up to 82%. The method involves genetically rewiring a circuit in yeast cells to allow them to oscillate between two deteriorative processes, effectively slowing down the aging process.

According to Molecular Biology Professor Nan Hao, the circuit responsible for aging acts as a “toggle switch” that triggers cells’ progression towards death. By rewiring the circuit, the UCSD researchers and their Chinese collaborators were able to delay the aging process in yeast cells and increase their lifespan by 82%.

The study, which was conducted in collaboration with researchers from Peking University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, could have significant implications for anti-aging research. It suggests that genetic circuit rewiring could potentially be used to slow down the aging process in other organisms, including humans.

Kremlin Accuses US of Masterminding Drone Attack Stepping Up Security Ahead of Victory Day Celebrations

The Kremlin has accused the United States of orchestrating the drone attack on President Vladimir Putin’s residence in the Kremlin, which it claims was carried out by Ukraine. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated that “decisions on such attacks are not made in Kyiv, but in Washington,” and that the Kremlin is increasing security in Moscow ahead of Victory Day celebrations. The White House National Security Council, however, denies any involvement in the reported incident. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky also denied any involvement, stating that they “fight on our territory.” Russia claims that the Vatican has no detailed plans for resolving the conflict in Ukraine, despite Pope Francis’ consistent calls for peace. Meanwhile, Mr Zelensky has visited the International Criminal Court in The Hague, which in March issued an arrest warrant for Mr Putin for alleged deportation of children from Ukraine.

Dr Rupert Sheldrakes Investigations into the Inherent Nature of Memory and the Limitations of Artificial Intelligence

Dr. Rupert Sheldrake has dedicated his career to investigating the inherent nature of memory, which he believes is a fundamental aspect of nature itself. In his view, artificial intelligence (AI) has limitations, despite its impressive ability to perform tasks such as playing chess, recognizing faces, and other impressive feats. Sheldrake contends that digital computers lack consciousness and true intelligence. To find these qualities in the computer world, Sheldrake suggests starting afresh with analog computers, which are inherently holistic and can incorporate indeterminism. Similarly, Quantum Computing, which involves probabilistic processes, is seen as promising for developing true intelligence in machines. John Coates, however, believes that digital systems can simulate probabilistic processes by simply adjusting temperature. Overall, Sheldrake’s investigations into memory and the limitations of AI offer valuable insights into the potential of analog and quantum computing to achieve true intelligence.

Google Turns Defensive to Protect Its AI Leadership and Future Amidst ChatGPTs Rise

Google, a tech giant and leader in artificial intelligence (AI), has recently adopted a defensive stance to protect its AI leadership and future amidst the rise of OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Google’s research teams have played a crucial role in the AI revolution, sharing their knowledge and creating the latest technologies. However, ChatGPT’s advances have prompted a policy shift within Google, with Jeff Dean, Head of AI, announcing that researchers must hold off sharing their work with the outside world. The change is part of a larger shift inside Google, as the company seeks to protect its core search business, stock price, and future by focusing on AI. Google CEO, Sundar Pichai, has warned about the potential harm of AI on a societal scale, stressing the importance of caution. This shift in policy marks a significant development in the company’s strategy, as it seeks to retain its position as a leader in AI.

Fox News Host Geraldo Rivera Doubts Biden Bribery Whistleblower Story Sparks Outrage

Fox News Host Geraldo Rivera is facing backlash after expressing skepticism about allegations of President Biden’s involvement in a bribery scheme. Senior Republicans issued a subpoena for a document alleging criminal activity involving Biden and a foreign national. Rivera dismissed the claims, tweeting that he believed it was another “bogus, blowhard, pretend whistleblower.” This drew criticism from Twitter users who believed in the allegations, causing “Geraldo” to trend on the platform. The controversy has reignited discussions about Biden’s accountability.

Nordstrom Closes All San Francisco Stores Due to Citys Soaring Crime Rates and Changing Dynamics

Nordstrom has made the decision to close all of its San Francisco stores due to the city’s “changed dynamics” and soaring crime rates. The Westfield Mall location will close by the end of August, while the Nordstrom Rack across the street will close by July 1. Other major retailers, including Whole Foods and Office Depot, have also closed their San Francisco locations due to the deteriorating situation in the downtown area. In response to the rampant crime, Target has implemented security measures, such as locking up their entire stock behind glass, in an effort to deter shoplifters. Nordstrom’s chief stores officer, Jamie Nordstrom, attributed the reduced foot traffic and inability to operate successfully in San Francisco as reasons for the closures. The decision to close all San Francisco stores will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the city’s retail industry.

Prosecutors Approach Decision on Possible Charges Against Hunter Biden for Gun and Tax Violations

Prosecutors are currently considering whether to bring charges against Hunter Biden for possible gun and tax violations. Following a meeting between Biden’s defense lawyers and prosecutors, the decision to seek an indictment is looming. Legal experts are already discussing the potential consequences of such charges. In the meantime, prosecutors are in the process of reviewing the evidence in the investigation. Stay tuned for updates on this developing story.

Texas Regulators Crack Down on Fake Elon Musk Coin and AI Investment Scam

The Lone Star State is taking action against scammers who are targeting unsuspecting investors with fake Elon Musk coins and AI scams. In a bid to crack down on fraudulent activity, Texas regulators have filed an emergency cease and desist order against Horatiu Charlie Caragaceanu, The Shark of Wall Street, and, demanding the termination of an “Artificial intelligence investment scam” that promotes TruthGPT Coin using fake animated avatars and images of Tesla and Twitter CEO Elon Musk. The Texas State Securities Board is proactively investigating trendy offerings that may pose a threat to the public, and TruthGPT Coin and its creator came to their attention during routine market surveillance looking into various artificial intelligence offerings. The TruthGPT Coin and Elon Musk AI Token were launched in March as a new digital asset investment campaign, and the tokens are being marketed online through avatars portraying Elon Musk endorsing TruthGPT Coin and comparing it to ChatGPT, with the claim that purchasers can earn up to 1,000 times their investment. Texas regulators are raising the alarm over scammers capitalizing on the massive popularity of AI tools, and are taking every step possible to protect investors from fraudulent activities.

Unsuccessful Smear Campaign Megyn Kelly Addresses Latest Attempts to Destroy Tucker Carlson and Fox News

Megyn Kelly recently spoke out on the ongoing smear campaign against Tucker Carlson and Fox News, highlighting the failed attempts to destroy Carlson through leaked texts and videos. Despite the relentless efforts to tarnish his reputation, Fox News continues to stand by Carlson, reinforcing the importance of holding the media accountable in the age of smear campaigns.

While the campaign against Tucker Carlson may have caused some fans to turn away from Fox News, it appears that the network’s unwavering support of Carlson has prevented any significant damage. As Kelly questions whether Carlson’s fans will eventually return to Fox, it is clear that the importance of standing by trusted journalists in the face of baseless attacks cannot be understated.

Kremlin Claims Drone Attack on Moscow Ukraine Denies Involvement

On Wednesday, the Kremlin claimed that it had been hit by a drone attack, while Ukraine has denied any involvement. President Putin’s office has pledged to retaliate against Ukraine following the drone attack. The timing of the attack was tied to the upcoming Victory Day parade, which is a significant holiday in Russia. However, the way that the Kremlin announced the apparent attack raises questions about its authenticity. The Kremlin released footage of the drones on fire, apparently intercepted electronically. However, analysts dispute this claim, as some footage shows an aerial object exploding and shedding debris over the roof of a building. Furthermore, Anton Gerashchenko, an adviser to Ukraine’s Interior Ministry, has questioned how a drone that the Kremlin’s defenses were able to detect was first able to penetrate Russian territorial airspace.

Despite the inconsistencies in the Kremlin’s claims, Moscow banned all drone flights in the capital following the announcement. Putin’s office has since stated that events on Victory Day will proceed as planned, although it reserves the right to retaliate against Ukraine when and where it sees fit. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy has denied any involvement and has stated that Ukraine is fighting on its territory to defend its villages and cities.