Post with Vimeo video example

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Study “Screen Time Changes Structure of Kids’ Brains”

Smartphones, tablets, and video games are physically changing the brains of adolescents, early results from an ongoing $300 million study funded by the National Institute of Health have shown, according to a report by “60 Minutes.” Scientists will follow more than 11,000 nine- to 10-year-olds for a decade to see how childhood experiences impact the […]

2018 Holiday Shopping: RF Safe Public Awareness Campaign – Cell Phone Radiation Warnings

RF Safe Publishes 10 Press Releases In 24 Hrs – Educating The Public Is Priority #1 RF Safe is launching a public awareness campaign to raise awareness about how to reduce exposure to cell phone radiation. RF Safe is making every effort to inform holiday shoppers that the US National Toxicology Program (NTP) has found […]

Wireless Companies Warn Investors Before Customers About Cell Phone Radiation Health Risk

Corporate Wireless Investor Warnings contained in Annual Reports filed on Form 10-K (or Form 20-F or 40-F for foreign companies) with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). “We may incur significant expenses defending such suits or government charges and may be required to pay amounts or otherwise change our operations in ways that could materially […]

“Clear Evidence” Of Cancer From Cell Phone Level Radiation Exposure – RF Safe Issues Holiday Shopping Warning

RF Safe is launching a public awareness campaign to raise awareness on how to reduce exposure to cell phone radiation. RF Safe is making every effort to inform holiday shoppers that the US National Toxicology Program (NTP) has found “Clear Evidence” that cell phone radiation exposure does cause cancer in lab animals. In the first […]

RF Safe Announces New Laser Cut 9H Nano Glass Screen Protectors for Apple iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max and iPhone XR

Over the last 20 years, RF Safe has continuously redesigned its protective products to maximize protection as devices have changed in the past and will continue to do so in the future. According to RF Safe, the screen protector industry is the next frontier of phone radiation safety using advanced nanomaterials. NEW YORK, NY November […]

Study Shows Smartphone Radiation Triggers Memory Loss In Right-handed Teenagers

Smartphone radiation could be destroying the memory performance of a new generation of adolescents. Right-handed teens using cell phones are more prone to loss of figural memory which is mainly located in the right hemisphere of the brain and refers to our ability to make sense of objects including images, patterns, and shapes a troubling […]