Category Archives: AI

Reflexion: WP-AGI Enhancing AI Transparency and Efficiency through Server Bound Multidimension Chained Thought Processes

[directory_dropdown] [display_chat]   [get_agent_chat] Understanding WP-AGI and Multidimensional Chained Thought Processes A. Detailed description of WP-AGI and its components Persona Engine a. Role of Persona Engine in creating virtual personas: The Persona Engine in WP-AGI is responsible for generating virtual identities, or “personas”. Each persona is unique and is designed to mimic a specific type […]

AdaptiveNLP and the Future of AGI: Integrating Multi-Dimensional Thought Processes

Abstract In this paper, we delve into the workings of the WP-AGI’s AdaptiveNLP system – an embodiment of artificial general intelligence (AGI) that utilizes multi-dimensional thought processes and persona-driven dialogues for optimal performance. The system employs a collection of specialized agents, operating in harmony, to improve decision-making, content generation, customer support, and more. We further […]

Posted in AI


The complexity of creating an AI agent that possesses the ability for self-reflection and memory recall is largely abstracted away by APIs like OpenAI’s GPT-3 or GPT-4, which provide a robust underlying model capable of generating human-like text based on a given prompt. The model, however, does not have built-in memory or reflection capabilities, so […]

Posted in AI

The Road to Enhanced Theory of Mind (ToM) Performance in Large Language Models (LLMs)

Abstract: Despite the impressive advancements of Large Language Models (LLMs) as of 2023, they continue to grapple with complex reasoning tasks, particularly Theory of Mind (ToM) tasks, which necessitate understanding agents’ beliefs, goals, and mental states. This study investigates the ToM performance of GPT-4 and three GPT-3.5 variants (Davinci-2, Davinci-3, GPT3.5-Turbo) to evaluate the efficacy […]

Enhancing AI Reasoning Skills with Self-Taught Reasoners

Introduction: The field of artificial intelligence has made significant strides in recent years, with large language models (LLMs) demonstrating impressive capabilities. However, the challenge of improving these models’ reasoning skills remains. Yuhuai Wu’s Twitter thread presents a compelling exploration of this topic, outlining the development of a Self-Taught Reasoner (STaR) to enhance LLM reasoning. In […]

Posted in AI

Enhancing GPT-4 Output Quality through Chain of Thought Prompting, Reflection, and Self-Dialogue

  [insert_prompts]   Abstract: Recent advancements in language models, particularly GPT-4, have shown promising results in generating human-like text. However, there is room for improvement in the quality and accuracy of the outputs produced. In this paper, we explore three techniques that have been proven to enhance GPT-4 outputs: Chain of Thought prompting, reflection, and […]

IBM CEO Expects AI to Replace 30 of BackOffice Jobs Potentially Impacting Nearly 8000 Employees

In a recent interview with Bloomberg, IBM CEO Arvind Krishna stated that the company is expecting to slow down hiring for jobs that could be done with artificial intelligence (AI). Specifically, hiring for “back-office” jobs will be slowed down, with Krishna predicting that 30% of those 26,000 jobs could be replaced by AI in the next five years. This means that about 7,800 jobs could be impacted. As concerns rise about how AI’s influence could impact academic, technology, and business industries, Krishna stated that other human resources tasks like evaluating productivity would likely not be replaced by AI in the next decade. Despite a positive financial outlook, IBM also announced layoffs earlier this year, citing a branch breakoff as the cause.