Category Archives: Cell Phone Radiation

Flashback: RF Safe’s Founder John Coates Demonstrates First RF Safe Product in 1998

RF Safe was founded after years of research on the health effects of radio frequency radiation after a rare birth defect took his daughters life in 1995.  A study published in 1997 linked this birth defect to RF exposure and John’s research turned into a mission to mitigate the harmful effects of microwave radiation.   […]

Alex Jones Covers Cell Phone Radiation Dangers with Dr Devra Davis on Infowars

Alex Jones Covers Cell Phone Radiation Dangers with Dr Devra Davis The references to scientific and medical journals that present the actual evidence for health effects induced by cell phone radiation is painting a grim picture for our children’s future. The wireless industry may say they’re on the side of health, but their actions show […]

iPhone 6 SAR Nearly Exceeds Legal Radiation Limits for Simultaneous Rating

Apple’s iPhone 6 Plus is bigger, but bigger is absolutely no excuse for Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) radiation exposure levels that are only .01 under the FCC’s legal limit of 1.6 watts per kilogram (W/kg). It’s easy to dismiss Apple’s new iPhone 6 Plus as merely catching up to Android in size, but Apple is […]

Wireless Radiation From Tablet PC Could Be Harming Kids Health Researchers Say

They are being embraced by educators as important learning tools, but some health experts are warning that tablets and smartphones can have harmful health effects, especially on young, developing children. Dr. Devra Davis, President of Environmental Health Trust, says microwave radiation from the devices pose significant risks to children. “The radiation from a cellphone, which […]

Using Cell Phone 30 Mins A Day For 10 Years Causes Brain Cancer Says Expert

In just 20 years cell phones have evolved from an uncommon, expensive, brick-shaped object used in restricted areas of Western countries, to a convenient and ubiquitous part of a modern smartphone world, with 6 billion subscriptions worldwide. The arrival of this mass technology has been accompanied by concerns that radio-frequency (RF) radiation emitted by cell […]

Bendghazi Style Cover-up Apple Blames Bent iPhones On Youtubers BendGate Video

Are news reports that the iPhone 6 is prone to bending actually a plot orchestrated by mainstream media?  That’s what Apple rumors are starting to say about the original video that broke the BendGate story. Apple’s publicist want you to believe the Smartphone designer is merely the patsy in a wider conspiracy to defame the […]

AUDIO: Very Informative Discussion on Cell Phone Radiation Health Hazards

  On the September 16th, 2014 edition of Your Call, Rose Aguilar has a conversation with filmmaker, Kevin Kunze about the documentary film Mobilize. The film explores the potential long-term health effects from cell phone radiation as well as the latest scientific research on the issue. Learn what science tell us about cell phone radiation […]

Cell Phone Radiation Expert Dariusz Leszczynski Speaks in New Delhi 9/16/2014

A member of the expert committee at World Health Organization/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), 2011,  Dariusz Leszczynski spoke at an event organized by Syenergy Environics at the India International Centre (IIC).  The Topic: “Mobile tower and cell phone radiation – its threat and perception”. The key expert speaker Leszczynski, said that radiation exposure […]

Did Radiation From Cell Phones Cause UK’s 100% Increase in Early Dementia Starting at 30

New research reveals that numbers of those affected by dementia in the UK is escalating. By 2015 there will be 850,000 people living with dementia and if current trends stay the same and no action is taken, this number is expected to bypass two million by 2051. Dementia_UK_Second_edition_-_Overview A report published this week prepared by […]

Interview About Cell Phone Radiation Risk On Mobilize Documentary Premiere Night

 In this segment, is your cell phone killing you? Phone Radiation Risk Revealed – Aired Sept 11 2014   Interview with Joel Moskowitz, Ph.D. Director of the Center for Family and Community Health in the School of Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley. Moskowitz has conducted research on disease prevention programs and policies […]