Category Archives: Cell Phone Radiation


References Abbate et al., 2004 C. Abbate, E. Micali, C. Giorgianni, F. Munaò, R. Brecciaroli, L. Salmaso, D. Germanò Affective correlates of occupational exposure to whole-body vibration a case-control study Psychother. Psychosom., 73 (2004), pp. 375-379, 10.1159/000080391 View article  View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Achudume et al., 2012 A.C. Achudume, B. Onibere, P. Nwoha, O. Alatise, F. Aina Effects of Radiation Emitted From Base Stations on Bilirubin, Transaminases and Lipid Peroxidation in Exposed Rats Energy Environ. Res., 2 (2012), 10.5539/eer.v2n1p115 View article  Google Scholar Agarwal […]

RF Safe QuantaCase vs. SafeSleeve: Choosing the Right Anti-Radiation Phone Case for Maximum Protection

When it comes to choosing an anti-radiation phone case, safety should be the top priority. With numerous options available in the market, it’s essential to understand the differences between them and identify the design flaws that may expose users to higher levels of cell phone radiation. In this article, we will compare RF Safe’s QuantaCase […]

Pasco County School Board to Vote on Controversial Cell Tower Near Elementary School

Pasco County parents in the Starkey Ranch community are fighting to prevent a cell phone tower from being built next to their children’s elementary school. The Pasco County School Board is set to vote on the plans, but parents argue that the tower’s close proximity to the school’s playground could put their children’s health at […]

Can You Protect Yourself from Harmful Radiation with Anti-Radiation Cases?

Yes, Protect Yourself from Harmful Radiation with the Best Anti-Radiation Cases: The QuantaCase Difference Introduction: In today’s world, our reliance on smartphones has significantly increased, but so has our exposure to radiofrequency (RF) and electromagnetic (EMF) radiation. With the potential health risks associated with prolonged exposure to these types of radiation, it is crucial to […]

Proactive Strategies for a Healthier Lifestyle By Taking Charge of Your RF Radiation Exposure

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has officially classified cell phone radiation as a Class 2B Carcinogen. Despite this, the public remains largely uninformed about safe cell phone usage and the potential health effects of cell phone radiation. Major studies, including the Interphone, Hardell, CERENAT, U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP), Ramazzini Institute Study, […]

Combining Style, Functionality, and Radiation Protection for Your Smartphone

QuantaCase™: The Minimalist Approach to Optimal Radiation Protection The potential health risks associated with mobile phone radiation have been a topic of concern for many. From fertility issues to cancer, it is essential to consider the dangers of prolonged exposure to radiofrequency (RF) and electromagnetic (EMF) radiation emitted by our smartphones. QuantaCase, with its innovative […]

QuantaCase™: Your Shield Against Cell Phone Radiation

Understanding Cell Phone Radiation Dangers and How QuantaCase™ Can Help Cell phones are essential in today’s digital world, with almost 97% of American adults owning one. However, growing scientific evidence suggests that cell phone radiation can negatively impact our health. In 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified cell phone radiation as a Class 2B […]

Your Best Choice for Cell Phone Radiation Protection

QuantaCase™: The Reliable Choice for Minimizing Radiation Exposure When selecting a radiation protection phone case, it’s crucial to be wary of misleading claims. Some companies may assert that their products shield you from radiation while using materials and designs that force your phone to work harder to maintain connectivity. QuantaCase™ is committed to providing genuine […]

Pentagon Seeks $36 Million for 2023 Havana Syndrome Research and Treatment

A Comprehensive Look At Funding For Havana Syndrome Research and Treatment April 21, 2023 In the Pentagon’s latest budget request of $842 billion, $36 million has been allocated for addressing Havana Syndrome, the mysterious health condition affecting U.S. spies and diplomats. While initially thought to be caused by microwave weapons from foreign adversaries like Russia, […]