Category Archives: Featured

New Study Reveals Shocking Effects of Cell Phone Radiation on Young Adolescent Rat Brains

The study, conducted by a team of researchers at Jawaharlal Nehru University in India, used a sample of 26 male Wistar rats to investigate the effects of short-term acute exposure to RF-EMR on oxidative stress and redox-sensitive processes in the brain. The rats were exposed to 2115 MHz RF-EMR for 8 hours, after which their […]

Known Conflict of Interest in Berkeley, CA Cell Phone Radiation Warning Case

Two titans of the legal world faced off before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in a case that pits the cell phone industry against the city of Berkeley, California’s cell phone radiation law. If the court ends up reversing a lower court’s earlier decision and ruling in favor of CTIA – The Wireless Association, […]

Smartphones Do Cause Cancer – U.S. Government Expected To Advise Public of Health Risk

Researchers at the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP), a federal inter-agency group under the National Institutes of Health, led the study that took 17 years to complete from the time it was mandated by the FDA. They exposed rats to carefully calibrated radio-frequency (RF) radiation levels designed to roughly emulate what people today experience in […]

WSJ Reports Murray Cellphone Cancer Case May Cost Wireless Industry Over 1.9 Billion Dollars

A lot has changed since David Reynard, of Madeira Beach, filed the first lawsuit in 1992 claiming cell phones cause brain cancer. Now over 20 years later there are a growing number of prominent doctors and scientists that are raising warning flags over phone radiation. And your kids could be facing a greater risk from […]