Category Archives: Politics

FBI Whistleblower Reveals Alleged Criminal Scheme Involving Joe Biden and Foreign National House Oversight Chairman Issues Subpoena

The House Oversight Committee has issued a subpoena for an unclassified record allegedly detailing a criminal scheme involving former Vice President Joe Biden and a foreign national. The subpoena was prompted by a whistleblower form, FD-1023, generated by the FBI and obtained by Republican Senator Chuck Grassley’s office. The form reportedly outlines an exchange of money for policy decisions. Grassley and House Oversight Chairman James Comer wrote to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland, stating that it remains unclear if any steps were taken to investigate the matter. The subpoena calls for all FD-1023 forms created or modified in June 2020 containing the term “Biden.” Congressional oversight is necessary due to growing concerns about political bias in the DOJ and FBI decision-making process, the letter says. Grassley and Comer said the information provided by the whistleblower raises concerns that Biden “allegedly engaged in a bribery scheme with a foreign national.”

Kremlin Accuses US of Masterminding Drone Attack Stepping Up Security Ahead of Victory Day Celebrations

The Kremlin has accused the United States of orchestrating the drone attack on President Vladimir Putin’s residence in the Kremlin, which it claims was carried out by Ukraine. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated that “decisions on such attacks are not made in Kyiv, but in Washington,” and that the Kremlin is increasing security in Moscow ahead of Victory Day celebrations. The White House National Security Council, however, denies any involvement in the reported incident. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky also denied any involvement, stating that they “fight on our territory.” Russia claims that the Vatican has no detailed plans for resolving the conflict in Ukraine, despite Pope Francis’ consistent calls for peace. Meanwhile, Mr Zelensky has visited the International Criminal Court in The Hague, which in March issued an arrest warrant for Mr Putin for alleged deportation of children from Ukraine.

Fox News Host Geraldo Rivera Doubts Biden Bribery Whistleblower Story Sparks Outrage

Fox News Host Geraldo Rivera is facing backlash after expressing skepticism about allegations of President Biden’s involvement in a bribery scheme. Senior Republicans issued a subpoena for a document alleging criminal activity involving Biden and a foreign national. Rivera dismissed the claims, tweeting that he believed it was another “bogus, blowhard, pretend whistleblower.” This drew criticism from Twitter users who believed in the allegations, causing “Geraldo” to trend on the platform. The controversy has reignited discussions about Biden’s accountability.

AI Experts Warn of Terminator-Style Nuclear Armageddon as Machines Become SelfAware Survey Finds

According to a recent survey conducted by Stanford University in California, more than one third of tech experts agreed that decisions made by artificial intelligence (AI) could lead to a catastrophe as catastrophic as an all-out nuclear war. In fact, many in the AI field fear that machines could spark a Terminator-style nuclear Armageddon as they become self aware. Despite these concerns, less than half of the 480 AI experts polled believe that AI should be regulated. The report, which polled specialists in natural language processing, sheds light on the fears and hopes of those working in the tech industry. Geoffrey Hinton, a British scientist who is considered the “Godfather” of AI, even went so far as to suggest that it is “not inconceivable” that AI could eventually end humanity.

Russia Threatens Nuclear Retaliation as Ukraine Accused of Attempted Assassination on Putin with Drone Strike on Kremlin

Russia has accused Ukraine of attempting to assassinate President Vladimir Putin in a drone strike on the Kremlin and has threatened nuclear retaliation in response to the alleged attack. Footage showing a flying object exploding in flames over Moscow’s presidential complex has emerged. The Kremlin has called the alleged strike a “planned terrorist action” and reserves the right to retaliate. Ukraine’s president has denied any involvement in the attack. The Speaker of the Russian parliament, Vyacheslav Volodin, appeared to demand a nuclear strike on Ukraine, stating that “an attack on the President is an attack on Russia” and that “there can be no negotiations”. The situation remains tense between the two countries.

Russias Accusations Was the Assassination Attempt on Putin a False Flag Operation

There have been recent allegations that Russia may have carried out a false flag operation in regards to the alleged assassination attempt on President Vladimir Putin with a drone strike on the Kremlin. Russia has accused Ukraine of attempting this attack, claiming it to be a planned terrorist act. In this article, we will examine Russia’s accusations and analyze the possibility of a false flag operation. We will also delve into the uncertainties surrounding this event, and weigh the evidence presented. Ultimately, our goal is to provide an informative and professional analysis of this complex situation.

Tucker Carlsons Controversial Text Revealed Its Not How White Men Fight

Carlson’s Text That Alarmed Fox Leaders: ‘It’s Not How White Men Fight’

A text message sent by Tucker Carlson that set off a panic at the highest levels of Fox on the eve of its billion-dollar defamation trial showed its most popular host sharing his private, inflammatory views about violence and race. The discovery of the message contributed to a chain of events that ultimately led to Carlson’s firing.

In the message, sent to one of his producers in the hours after violent Trump supporters stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, Carlson described how he had recently witnessed a confrontation between two men, one of whom was black. Carlson wrote, “I loved how he [the white man] didn’t back down, and he wasn’t cowed, but at the same time he didn’t seem angry or like he was going to hurt anyone. He just kept getting louder and more insistent, but he was also clearly not going to become violent. So, I guess my question is: How do we get white men to fight like that?”

This message caused alarm among Fox leaders who were concerned that it could be interpreted as glorifying violence and promoting white supremacy. The fallout from Carlson’s controversial text was swift, with many calling for his firing. Ultimately, Fox decided to part ways with Carlson, citing a breach in their standards and values.

Fired Fox News Host Tucker Carlsons OffCamera Remarks Revealed in Leaked Video Derogatory Comments About Fans and Objectification of Women

Recently, a leaked video has revealed shocking off-camera remarks made by former Fox News host, Tucker Carlson. Fox News has since responded by firing Carlson following the release of the video. In the leaked video, Carlson is heard making derogatory comments about fans, referring to them as “post-menopausal.” Additionally, he objectified women, making inappropriate comments about an unnamed woman being “yummy.” This behavior is unacceptable and raises questions about the implications of Carlson’s actions on Fox News and the media industry at large. The revelation of this video serves as a reminder that the public expects professionalism and respect from those in the media spotlight.

The Tragic Fate of George Washington A Lesson on WellMeaning Physicians and the Dangers of Economic Bleeding

The story of George Washington’s tragic fate serves as a cautionary tale for well-meaning physicians and the dangers of economic bleeding. Despite being the most important patient in the country, if not in history, George Washington was bled to death by physicians who believed they were helping him. This tragic outcome highlights the dangers of interventions that are well-intentioned but ultimately lead to disastrous consequences. Today, modern healthcare practices must take heed of this lesson and recognize the importance of evidence-based practices in healthcare and economics. Moreover, mental models play a significant role in economic decision-making, and we must ensure that our models are accurate and not defective to avoid similar tragic outcomes. As we revisit George Washington’s legacy, we must learn from his experience and recognize the importance of evidence-based practices in preventing well-meaning interventions from causing more harm than good.

Tucker Carlson Criticizes Fox Nation Streaming Service in Newly Leaked Video

Recently leaked video footage shows former Fox News host Tucker Carlson criticizing the network’s streaming service, Fox Nation. Carlson, who produced content for the service during his tenure at the company, expressed frustration with both its infrastructure and content. In the leaked footage, Carlson asserts that Fox Nation’s site is difficult to use and that its content is comparable to “Lifetime movies”. He also suggests that Fox Nation is not popular, asserting that “nobody watches it because the site sucks”. The video was released by Media Matters for America, a liberal media watchdog group that tracks conservative media. Carlson’s remarks have sparked controversy, with many media outlets reporting on the story.