Consumers everywhere need this!RF Safe Score

Dear Y Combinator,

We are excited to introduce, a new cell phone comparison website that uses AI to help consumers make informed decisions about their phone use. Our unique feature, the RF Safe Score, is a rating system that allows users to easily compare the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) values of different phone models and make informed decisions about their phone use.

One of the key advantages of using AI on our platform is that it enables us to provide personalized phone suggestions that are much better than what traditional phone comparison sites can offer. This is because AI allows us to perform complex comparisons with many variables, taking into account a wide range of factors that are important to individual users.

For example, the RF Safe Score takes into account the different skull thicknesses of different age groups, as well as the SAR values of different phone models at different positions on the body. This enables us to provide personalized recommendations based on a user’s age, as well as their specific phone use habits.

Overall, we believe that the use of AI on our platform, combined with the unique RF Safe Score, sets us apart from traditional phone comparison sites and gives us a strong competitive advantage in the market. We look forward to the opportunity to bring to market and make a difference for consumers.

Thank you for considering our proposal.


Katie Webb

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