Elderly Georgia Woman Loses Nearly 100K in Facebook Romance Scam Police Report Details the Incident

Elderly Georgia Woman Falls Victim to Facebook Romance Scam: Police Report Reveals Details

Social media platforms have become a breeding ground for fraudsters and scammers, and the elderly are often the prime targets. Recently, an elderly Georgia woman fell prey to a Facebook romance scam that left her nearly $100K in debt. The Athens-Clarke County Police Department released a report detailing the unfortunate incident.

According to the police report, the victim connected with the scammer on Facebook, and they began a virtual relationship that lasted for several months. The scammer promised to move in with the victim once they got married, but they needed money to pay for the visa application and other expenses. The victim, who was smitten with the scammer, wired around $100K to their account over the course of several months.

The victim only realized that she had been scammed when the scammer stopped responding to her messages and disappeared. She tried to locate the scammer but to no avail. She eventually reported the incident to the Athens-Clarke County Police Department, who launched an investigation into the case.

Scammed Senior Citizen Loses Nearly $100K in Facebook Relationship Con

The Athens-Clarke County Police Department report revealed that the elderly Georgia woman sold her home to keep sending money to the Facebook scammer. The victim’s children, who were unaware of the relationship, only discovered the extent of the scam after their mother approached them for help. The victim’s family members urged her to report the incident to the police.

The victim’s heartbreaking story is not an isolated case. Older adults are more vulnerable to scams and frauds as they are often socially isolated and lack knowledge of the latest technology. Scammers exploit their loneliness or emotional vulnerability to gain their trust and take advantage of them financially. Such scams can have devastating consequences that can leave the victim in financial ruin.

Athens-Clarke County Police Department Investigating Facebook Romance Scam

The Athens-Clarke County Police Department has warned the public about the dangers of social media romance scams and urged them to report any suspicious activity to the authorities. The department is investigating the Facebook romance scam that targeted the elderly Georgia woman and is yet to identify the suspect.

The police also advised the public to avoid sending money to people they meet online and to be wary of people who ask for personal or financial information. They also suggest that family members keep an eye on their elderly loved ones and educate them about the latest scams. The police department is committed to preventing such incidents and protecting the citizens of Athens-Clarke County from frauds and scams.