Here Is The 2022 Smartphone Radiation Warning That All Holiday Shoppers Must Hear

The science is crystal clear that cell phone radiation does cause cancer in the brains and hearts of rats. The NTP study in 2016 makes this crystal clear!

But what about people? Your children? What’s the risk?

Get the truth from a true hero! Here we have a video of a man that had two of three cell phone-induced cancers in the exact locations where the NTP found clear evidence of cancer causation – brain and heart.

Jimmy Gonzalez’s third place where cell phone-induced cancer left him scars was his left hand, which held his cell phone daily for over ten years.

Before buying your child a smartphone over the 2022 Black Friday and Cyber Monday holiday shopping events, please take a few minutes to listen to this vital warning about exposure to non-ionizing cell phone radiation!

The only smart call when buying a smartphone is – Make informed decisions!
