How Far-UVC Light is Revolutionizing Airborne Pathogen Inactivation

Airborne-mediated microbial diseases such as influenza and tuberculosis represent significant public health challenges, especially in light of the recent COVID-19 pandemic. A direct approach to prevent airborne transmission is the inactivation of airborne pathogens, such as the novel coronavirus.

UVC ultraviolet light has long been established as an antimicrobial agent against airborne pathogens, but its use in public settings is limited due to its carcinogenic and cataractogenic properties. This is where far-UVC light comes in.

Shortwave excilamps as effective sources of radiation for inactivation of viruses and bacteria

What is Far-UVC Light?

Far-UVC light is a type of ultraviolet light with a wavelength range of 207-222 nm. Unlike conventional UVC light, far-UVC light has been proven to inactivate bacteria and viruses efficiently without causing harm to exposed mammalian skin. This is because far-UVC light is absorbed by biological materials and cannot penetrate the outer, non-living layers of human skin or eyes.

How Does Far-UVC Light Inactivate Airborne Pathogens?

Far-UVC light is effective against airborne pathogens because it can penetrate and inactivate bacteria and viruses, which are typically micrometer or smaller in size. In fact, far-UVC was first proven to work by inactivating aerosolized H1N1 influenza virus with a very low dose of only two mJ/cm2 at 222-nm light.

The Advantages of Far-UVC Light

One of the biggest advantages of far-UVC light is its safety for use around humans. Far-UVC light cannot reach the DNA of living human cells, making it safe for use in public settings without the risk of cancer or other harmful effects. This also allows far-UVC light manufacturers greater flexibility in designing products for use in public settings.

Far-UVC Light Manufacturers

Far-UVC light is manufactured by a number of companies, both in the USA and internationally. Some of the leading far-UVC light manufacturers include FarUV.Lighting, Far UV Innovations, Far UV Solutions, Hygeia UV, Sterilray, Eden Park, NS Nanotech, Ushio USA, Far UV Technology, Larson Electronics, FirstUVC, Ushio Japan, and Sony.

These companies use the highest standards in their manufacturing processes, with many operating under ISO 9001 quality management systems. They offer a range of far-UVC light products, including excimer lamps, solid-state devices, flat lamps, bulbs, and LEDs, for a variety of applications, such as autonomous robots for effective cleaning solutions and active personnel ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (AP-UVGI).

Excimer Far-UVC Light Bulbs and 219nm Far-UVC LEDs

Excimer far-UVC light bulbs require band-pass filtering for AP-UVGI applications. This helps to ensure that the filtered far-UVC wavelengths are safe for use around humans while still effectively inactivating airborne pathogens.

219nm far-UVC LEDs, on the other hand, are solid-state narrow-band far-UVC devices that offer a compact and efficient solution for inactivating airborne pathogens. These devices are especially useful for smaller spaces and applications where mobility is a concern.


In conclusion, Far-UVC light is a revolutionary technology that is changing the way we combat airborne-mediated microbial diseases such as influenza, tuberculosis, and Coronavirus. The technology has been proven to inactivate bacteria and viruses efficiently and safely without causing harm to human skin or eyes. Far-UVC light manufacturers have the flexibility to design and manufacture products with different wattages and form factors to suit various applications.

Far-UVC light is a safe, efficient, and cost-effective solution for combating airborne pathogens in public settings such as hospitals, schools, and public transportation. The technology can be used in combination with other measures such as physical distancing and wearing masks to provide an added layer of protection against airborne diseases.

With the increasing prevalence of airborne-mediated diseases, Far-UVC light represents a significant opportunity for public health and safety. As more research is conducted and the technology continues to evolve, Far-UVC light will likely become an essential tool for combating airborne pathogens in public settings.


What is Far-UVC light?

Far-UVC light is a type of ultraviolet light with a wavelength between 207 and 222 nm that has been proven to inactivate bacteria and viruses without causing harm to human skin or eyes.

How does Far-UVC light work?

Far-UVC light works by penetrating the outer (nonliving) layers of airborne pathogens such as bacteria and viruses and inactivating them. The light is absorbed by biological materials and cannot penetrate the living layers of human skin or eye, making it safe for use in public settings.

Who are Far-UVC light manufacturers?

There are a number of Far-UVC light manufacturers around the world, including FarUV.Lighting, Far UV Innovations, Far UV Solutions, Hygeia UV, Sterilray, Eden Park, NS Nanotech, Ushio USA, Far UV Technology, Larson Electronics, FirstUVC, Ushio Japan, and Sony.

Can Far-UVC light be used in public settings?

Yes, Far-UVC light can be used in public settings such as hospitals, schools, and public transportation. The technology is safe, efficient, and cost-effective and can be used in combination with other measures such as physical distancing and wearing masks to provide an added layer of protection against airborne diseases.


“How Far-UVC Light is Revolutionizing Airborne Pathogen Inactivation”

“The Safe and Effective Solution to Airborne Virus Transmission: Far-UVC Light”

“The Breakthrough in Antimicrobial Technology: Far-UVC Light Bulbs”

“The Future of Public Health: Far-UVC Light and Its Advantages”

“Say Goodbye to Carcinogenic UV Light: Welcome Far-UVC Light for Antimicrobial Applications”

And here are 5 Twitter posts:

“Get rid of airborne pathogens safely and effectively with Far-UVC light! #FarUVC #AirbornePathogens #Antimicrobial”

“The solution to inactivate airborne viruses and bacteria is here! Far-UVC light is the way to go! #FarUVC #PublicHealth #AirborneTransmission”

“Say goodbye to harmful UV light and hello to safe and effective Far-UVC light! #FarUVC #Antimicrobial #HumanSafe”

“Far-UVC light is the future of antimicrobial technology! Learn more about this breakthrough solution! #FarUVC #AirborneViruses #Inactivation”

“Protect yourself and your loved ones from airborne pathogens with Far-UVC light! #FarUVC #PublicHealth #AntimicrobialTechnology”