IBM CEO Expects AI to Replace 30 of BackOffice Jobs Potentially Impacting Nearly 8000 Employees

IBM CEO Expects AI to Replace 30% of BackOffice Jobs Potentially Impacting Nearly 8,000 Employees

IBM’s CEO, Arvind Krishna, has expressed his expectation that artificial intelligence (AI) will replace around 30% of the company’s back-office jobs, which could impact nearly 8,000 employees. Krishna stated that the company intends to focus on new roles in areas such as hybrid cloud computing and AI, where they believe there will be significant growth in the coming years. The CEO further added that the company aims to help employees transition to these new roles where possible and provide necessary training.

Arvind Krishna Intends to Slow Down Hiring for Jobs that AI Could Take Over

Krishna has also announced that IBM will slow down hiring for roles that AI could potentially take over in the future. The company will focus on hiring for positions that require a combination of technical and business skills, such as AI engineering, cybersecurity, and cloud computing. Krishna emphasized the importance of reskilling and upskilling employees to meet the demands of the changing job market.

AI Impact on Academic, Technology, and Business Industries Sparks Concern as IBM Prepares to Replace Jobs

IBM’s plan to replace jobs with AI has generated concern about the impact of this technology on various sectors. The academic, technology, and business industries are particularly vulnerable to job displacement due to the rapid advancement of AI. However, some experts argue that AI could also create new job opportunities, especially in emerging fields like data science and machine learning.

Krishna Predicts 30% of BackOffice Jobs Will Be Replaced by AI in Next Five Years

Krishna has predicted that 30% of IBM’s back-office jobs will be replaced by AI in the next five years. The company is currently investing heavily in developing its AI capabilities, and this move is part of their strategy to become a leader in the field. While AI has the potential to streamline operations and improve efficiency, its impact on the workforce remains a major concern.

IBM Announces Layoffs, Cites Branch Breakoff as Cause, Despite Positive Financial Outlook

Despite having a positive financial outlook, IBM has announced layoffs that could impact thousands of employees. The company has cited the branch breakoff of their managed infrastructure services business as the main cause of the layoffs. However, some experts speculate that the move is also due to the company’s efforts to cut costs and streamline operations in preparation for the shift towards AI and cloud computing. The layoffs have sparked criticism, with many calling for companies to prioritize their employees’ well-being during this period of uncertainty.