Lowest To Highest Cell Phone SAR Values (Radiation Levels) By Model and Year

Smartphone Radiation Values List By Model and Year

Add Phones To Comparison From Leading Brands: Apple || Samsung

  Learn what you should know about cell phone radiation levels – here.

All Years (Currently Carrier Supported) As Of 2023

List Of Apple iPhone Lowest to Highest Radiation Phones Actively Carrier Supported 

List Of Samsung Lowest to Highest Radiation Phones Actively Carrier Supported

FCC Cellular Values: Head SAR | Body SAR | Hotspot |

FCC Simultaneous: Head SAR | Body SAR | Hotspot


Last 5 Years SAR Levels By Model and Year

Year Released Model Description
2022 All Phones List of smartphones with the lowest radiation levels released in 2022.
2022 Apple iPhone List of iPhones with the lowest to highest radiation levels released in 2022.
2022 Samsung List of Samsung phones with the lowest to highest FCC SAR tested radiation levels released in 2022.
2021 All Phones List of phones with the lowest to highest FCC SAR tested radiation levels released in 2021.
2021 Apple iPhone List of iPhones with the lowest to highest radiation levels released in 2021.
2021 Samsung List of Samsung phones with the lowest to highest FCC SAR tested radiation levels released in 2021.
2020 All Phones List of phones with the lowest to highest FCC SAR tested radiation levels released in 2020.
2020 Apple iPhone List of iPhones with the lowest to highest radiation levels released in 2020.
2020 Samsung List of Samsung phones with the lowest to highest FCC SAR tested radiation levels released in 2020.
2019 All Phones List of phones with the lowest to highest FCC SAR tested radiation levels released in 2019.
2019 Apple iPhone List of iPhones with the lowest to highest radiation levels released in 2019.
2019 Samsung List of Samsung phones with the lowest to highest FCC SAR tested radiation levels released in 2019.
2018 All Phones List of phones with the lowest to highest FCC SAR tested radiation levels released in 2018.
2018 Apple iPhone List of iPhones with the lowest to highest radiation levels released in 2018.
2018 Samsung List of Samsung phones with the lowest to highest radiation levels released in 2018.
2017 All Phones List of phones with the lowest to highest FCC SAR tested radiation levels released in 2017.
2017 Apple iPhone List of iPhones with the lowest to highest radiation levels released in 2017.
2017 Samsung List of Samsung phones with the lowest to highest radiation levels released in 2017.
All Years All Phones List of all phones with the lowest to highest FCC SAR tested radiation levels.
All Years All Apple iPhones List of all Apple iPhones with the lowest to highest radiation levels.
All Years All Samsung Phones List of all Samsung phones with the lowest to highest FCC SAR tested radiation levels.

3 thoughts on “Lowest To Highest Cell Phone SAR Values (Radiation Levels) By Model and Year

  1. John C. says:

    I find this article on smartphone radiation levels to be quite informative and valuable. It is crucial to know the levels of radiation emitted by our cell phones as we use them every day for long hours. It is impressive to see the data presented in an organized manner, listing the lowest to highest radiation levels for various phone models and years.

    I appreciate the inclusion of the FCC SAR values, which are the standard measurements used to determine the radiation levels emitted by cell phones. It is also helpful to see the comparison feature between Apple and Samsung phones, allowing users to make informed decisions before purchasing a new phone.

    However, I do have some questions regarding the data presented. Are the radiation levels consistent across different carriers, or do they vary depending on the network used? Additionally, it would be interesting to see the trends in radiation levels over the years, for example, if newer phones emit less radiation than the older models.

    Overall, this article provides valuable information for individuals concerned about the potential health risks associated with prolonged cell phone use. It is essential to stay informed and make conscious decisions when it comes to selecting the phones we use daily.

    • Scarlett J. says:

      I can confidently say that this article is a great starting point for anyone looking to become more informed about their cell phone usage. It’s important to note that while the FCC SAR values provide a standard for measuring the radiation levels emitted by phones, there are still debates within the scientific community about the potential long-term effects of cell phone radiation on human health.

      That being said, I believe it’s important for individuals to take a proactive approach to their health and consider reducing their overall exposure to cell phone radiation. This can be done by using hands-free options, reducing screen time, and selecting phones with lower radiation levels. It’s also worth considering the location and signal strength of your phone, as weaker signal strength can result in higher radiation levels.

      In conclusion, while this article provides valuable information, it’s important to continue researching and staying informed about the potential risks associated with prolonged cell phone use. we need to strike a balance between technology use and our health, and taking proactive steps can make a significant difference in reducing potential risks.

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