Public Warning Notice: FCC’s Inaction on Mobile Phone Safety Guidelines

For almost the entire time that cell phones have been available to the masses, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has failed to update its safety guidelines to protect the public from the potential risks associated with long-term exposure to radiofrequency (RF) energy. Since 1996, when the FCC last set its safety guidelines and regulations for mobile phones, numerous studies have suggested that long-term exposure to RF energy may pose health risks, particularly for children, yet the agency has not taken any significant action to address these concerns.

The Risks of Long-Term Exposure to RF Energy:

Studies have suggested that long-term exposure to RF energy from mobile phones may pose health risks, including an increased risk of brain tumors, cognitive impairment, blood-brain barrier damage, and thyroid dysfunction. Children may be more vulnerable to the potential risks associated with RF energy exposure due to their developing bodies and brains.

The Need for Updated Safety Guidelines and Regulations:

Despite the potential risks associated with long-term exposure to RF energy from mobile phones, the FCC has not updated its safety guidelines and regulations since 1996. This lack of action is concerning given that mobile phone use has increased significantly over the past few decades, and the current guidelines do not take into account the potential risks associated with wireless technology.

The FCC’s Inaction:

The FCC’s failure to update its safety guidelines and regulations may be seen as a reflection of its close ties to the telecommunications industry and its willingness to prioritize industry interests over public health and safety concerns. The agency has been criticized for its regulatory capture, whereby regulatory agencies may become overly influenced by the industries they are meant to regulate, leading to a lack of meaningful action on important public health and safety concerns.

Despite recommendations from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and the National Toxicology Program (NTP) to reassess its safety guidelines and regulations, the FCC has not taken any significant action to address these concerns. The NTP’s 2018 technical report on the toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of cell phone RF radiation in rats found clear evidence of cancer, yet the FCC has not taken any action to address these concerns.

Sustained Advocacy and Pressure:

Sustained advocacy and pressure from concerned individuals and organizations are essential to ensure that the necessary safeguards are put in place to protect our children and the public from the potential risks associated with long-term exposure to RF energy from mobile phones. This may include lobbying regulatory agencies such as the FCC to reassess their safety guidelines and regulations, educating the public about the potential risks associated with long-term exposure to RF energy from mobile phones, and supporting research to further understand the potential health effects of RF energy exposure.

The Role of Non-Profit Organizations:

Non-profit organizations such as the Children’s Health Defense and the Environmental Health Trust have called for updated safety guidelines and regulations to protect the public from the potential risks associated with long-term exposure to RF energy from mobile phones. These organizations have also supported research to further understand these risks and have played an essential role in raising awareness about the potential health risks associated with long-term exposure to RF energy from mobile phones.

Public Warning:

As a concerned citizen, it is essential to be aware of the potential risks associated with long-term exposure to RF energy from mobile phones and the FCC’s inaction in addressing these concerns. The lack of updated safety guidelines and regulations may be putting the public, particularly children, at risk of harm.

It is crucial to take action to protect yourself and your loved ones from the potential risks associated with long-term exposure to RF energy from mobile phones. This may include reducing your mobile phone use, using hands-free devices or speakerphone mode when possible, and keeping your phone away from your body when not in use.

Additionally, it is important to support advocacy and pressure from concerned individuals and organizations to ensure that the necessary safeguards are put in place to protect our children and the public from the potential risks associated with long-term exposure to RF energy from mobile phones. Organizations such as Children’s Health Defense and Environmental Health Trust have called for updated safety guidelines and regulations to protect children and the public from the potential risks associated with long-term exposure to RF energy from mobile phones. By supporting these organizations and spreading awareness about the issue, individuals can contribute to the effort to pressure the FCC to take action.

Furthermore, the issue of regulatory capture cannot be ignored. The FCC’s inaction on mobile phone safety guidelines highlights the potential influence of industry on regulatory agencies and the resulting lack of meaningful action on important public health and safety concerns. This raises concerns about the prioritization of industry interests over public health and safety concerns, and highlights the need for greater accountability and oversight of regulatory agencies.

In conclusion, the FCC’s inaction on mobile phone safety guidelines since 1996 is a serious concern, particularly given the potential risks associated with long-term exposure to RF energy from mobile phones. Despite recommendations from the Government Accountability Office and the National Toxicology Program, the FCC has failed to update its safety guidelines and regulations to protect the public, particularly children who may be more vulnerable to the effects of RF energy exposure. It is imperative that sustained advocacy and pressure is applied to ensure that the necessary safeguards are put in place to protect our children and the public from the potential risks associated with long-term exposure to RF energy from mobile phones. By supporting organizations and spreading awareness about the issue, individuals can contribute to the effort to pressure the FCC to take action and prioritize public health and safety concerns over industry interests.

EHT Wins in Historic Decision, Federal Court Orders FCC to Explain Why It Ignored Scientific Evidence Showing Harm from Wireless Radiation

Despite overwhelming evidence indicating the negative health effects of mobile phone radiation, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has continuously failed to update its safety guidelines and regulations for over 25 years. The FCC’s inaction on this issue has led many to question whether the agency is corrupted by the very industries it is supposed to regulate.

The Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University published a book detailing how the FCC is dominated by the telecommunications industry. This industry control is further reinforced by the FCC’s 2019 decision to maintain the 1996 exposure limits without evaluating the numerous comments and scientific studies submitted during the public comment period. These submissions came from medical organizations, doctors, scientists, and hundreds of people who have suffered health damage from electromagnetic radiation.

In response, the Environmental Health Trust and Children’s Health Defense of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. filed a lawsuit against the FCC in 2020, citing the agency’s disregard for scientific evidence and public health concerns. In August 2021, the U.S. Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the plaintiffs, citing the FCC’s failure to provide a reasoned explanation for its decision and to address concerns regarding long-term exposure to wireless radiation, impacts to children, and the environment, among others.

The FCC’s inaction on mobile phone safety guidelines has far-reaching consequences. Mobile phone use has become increasingly prevalent in society, and the potential health risks associated with long-term exposure to RF energy from mobile phones have raised concerns about public health, particularly for children. The lack of updated safety guidelines and regulations from the FCC has allowed manufacturers to prioritize profits over public health and safety.

It is essential for regulatory agencies like the FCC to prioritize public health and safety above industry interests. To do this, the FCC must take meaningful action by updating its safety guidelines and regulations to reflect the significant developments in wireless technologies and the potential risks associated with RF energy exposure. The agency must also be held accountable for its inaction through sustained advocacy and pressure from concerned individuals and organizations.

In conclusion, the FCC’s inaction on mobile phone safety guidelines is a significant issue that cannot be ignored. The agency’s failure to update its safety guidelines and regulations has far-reaching consequences for public health and safety. It is essential that regulatory agencies prioritize public health and safety above industry interests and take meaningful action to ensure the necessary safeguards are in place to protect our children and the public from the potential risks associated with long-term exposure to RF energy from mobile phones.