Tag Archives: Cell Phone Hazards

Cell Phones May Damage Nerves In The Scalp

Cell Phones May Damage Nerves In The Scalp Reuters Journalist: Amy Norton August 15, 2000 As cellular phones become ubiquitous, their status as a possible health threat–either as a distraction to drivers or a potential cause of brain tumors–is gaining more attention. Now, investigators say there is evidence that cell phones may damage nerves in […]

Cell Phones: We Need More Testing

Cell Phones: We Need More Testing Business Week Journalist: Norm Alster August 14, 2000 Back in the early 1980s, there were 35 researchers at the Environmental Protection Agency exploring the biological effects of radiation from cell phones and other devices. But by 1987, budget cuts had shut the program down. Since then, the Federal Communications […]

Cell Phone Health Studies Continue

Cell Phone Health Studies Continue Medill News Service Journalist: Katherine Hunt August 11, 2000 It’s too soon to say whether radio frequency emissions from cellular phones cause adverse health effects, including brain cancer, say scientists at a recent Food and Drug Association conference. “The scientific community is in agreement that [prior] research [shows cell phones] […]

Mobile Phone Safety Leaves Experts Divided

Mobile Phone Safety Leaves Experts Divided The Guardian Journalist: James Meek August 09, 2000 The Consumers’ Association yesterday accused the government of having used the wrong tests to assess the safety of hands-6.00 kits for mobile phones, saying the association stood by its claim that the devices failed to protect users against radiation. A government […]

Watchdog Stands By CellPhones Warning

Watchdog Stands By CellPhones Warning The Scotsman Journalist: Alison Gray August 09, 2000 The Consumers’ Association yesterday stood by its warning that hands-free cellphone kits can triple the level of radiation beamed into the ear.The group’s statement came as the Department of Trade and Industry published a report which said the devices produced “substantial reductions” […]

DTI and Which? At Odds Over Phone Safety

DTI and Which? At Odds Over Cell Phone Safety The Register Journalist: Lucy Sheriff August 08, 2000 Consumers have been left without a clue – should they go hands-6.00 or clamp their  cell phone to their ear? Research published by the government today indicates that hands-6.00 mobile phone kits are safe to use. These new […]

Mobile Phones Safety Muddle

Mobile Phones Safety Muddle Daily Mail August 08, 2000 Mobile phone users face further anxiety and confusion today over the safety of hands-6.00 kits. An official Government report will give earpieces the all-clear and say they limit exposure to potentially dangerous radiation. But last night other safety experts condemned the findings as ‘misleading’ and said […]

Cellphone Risk: Could Cancer Lawsuits Come To Europe

Cellphone Risk: Could Cancer Lawsuits Come To Europe ZD Net UK Journalist: Graeme Wearden August 04, 2000 The whole world is watching the outcome of a neurologist’s claim against  cellphone manufacturers If the impending lawsuit against Motorola is successful in the US, it could force mobile phone manufacturers here to settle out of court in […]

CellPhone Fears : Malignant Or Benign

CellPhone Fears: Malignant Or Benign Wired News Journalist: Elisa Batista August 04, 2000 Two days after cellphone manufacturers started including radio frequency radiation information on the packaging of their products, a Maryland neurologist with brain cancer Thursday filed an $800 million lawsuit for not having this information beforehand. The Cellular Telecommunications Industry Associations, which represents […]

US Investigating Cell Phone Risks

US Investigating Cell Phone Risks Reuters Journalist: Laura Gilcrest August 01, 2000 Amid mounting concerns that the Golden Age of communication may have a dark side, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is turning to outside experts to help assess whether the cell phone may pose an adverse health risk through radiation. At an […]