Tag Archives: Cell Phone Radiation

Parents Buying Smartphones for Children without an RF Safe Headset is a Very Stupid Call!

Research indicates children and teenagers are five times more likely to get brain cancer if they use a smart phone without a radio frequency (RF) safe headset. PRLog (Press Release) – Dec. 13, 2013 – ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — If parents don’t start providing their children with phone accessories for RF radiation safety, they may […]

Why Are Samsung Cell Phones Rated The Lowest Radiation Cell Phones?

Before we get started, it should be known that Samsungs newest design flip phone, the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip4 SAR tested in Aug 2022, ranks among the lowest head SAR levels recorded for any smartphone. In fact, as for the year 2022, the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip4 had the lowest SAR value for the head […]

Cell phone radiation and cancer: Just how much more scientific proof do you need?

Cell phones emit a dangerous non-ionizing form of electromagnetic radiation; radiation which can be absorbed by the tissues and cells which come into close contact with the phone, e.g., the head and neck. Scientific studies in the past have produced conflicting results; however, more recent studies working with long term exposure, (ten years or more), […]

Cell phone cancer lawsuit Israeli man paid 400k by cell phone company Partner Communications

Partner Communications, which operates in Israel under the name Orange, will pay NIS 400,000 to a customer who contracted cancer in his ear. Partner Communications, which operates in Israel under the Orange brand name, has reached a settlement with a customer who claims he contracted cancer after using one of their devices. The customer, who […]

Computer Generated RF EXPOSURE Models

These computer generated models shown below illustrate the effects of cell phone radiation. They were independently created by a Canadian university and a South African research company specializing in electromagnetic studies. The Applied Electromagnetics Group in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada has developed computer […]

Dr. Oz says holding a cell phone in your bra can cause breast cancer

Posted on Dr.Oz FaceBook FanPage [12/6/2013 10:27:56 PM] John Coates: Dr. Oz, Thank you for covering the topic of cell phones and breast cancer on your show today. However, when reading several syndication’s about your show – many media outlets are suggesting that using a wired hands free headset as a good way to reduce […]

Cell Phone Radiation Exposure Increases When Using Wired Hands-Free Headsets

RF Safe rebuts the common misconception reported by media that Hands-free Headsets are hailed as one of the best ways to reduce overall cranial exposure from cell phone radiation by increasing the distance between the phone and head. A new study published in Clinical Neurophysiology suggests it doesn’t take years or even months of exposure […]

RF Safe Cell Phone Radiation Accessory Packages In Time For Christmas

This holiday season, parents are buying cell phones for their young children at alarming rates without understanding the potential long-term health risk or the cell phone radiation safety accessories that should be used to keep them safe. (PRWEB) November 29, 2013 According to John Coates who founded RF Safe in 1998, “RF Safe offers the […]

Radiofrequency (RF) Radiation – Energy/Health Abstract

Electromagnetic radiation consists of waves of electric and magnetic energy moving together (that is, radiating) through space at the speed of light. Taken together, all forms of electromagnetic energy are referred to as the electromagnetic spectrum. Radio waves and microwaves emitted by transmitting antennas are one form of electromagnetic energy. Often the term electromagnetic field […]

More ProOF cell phone radiation hazards are being covered up (video)

Important New Video – Cell Phone Radiation Hazards – Dangers Are Real! A scientific paper bravely published by a leading radiation biologist, Prof. Dariusz Leszczynski now allows top neurologists, like Keith Black, MD of Los Angeles’ Cedars-Sinai Hospital to issue warnings to their patients about the dangers of cell phone use, which he describes as […]