Tag Archives: Cell Phone Radiation

Pregnant Women Warned To Be Wary Of Using Cell Phones

FED: Pregnant Women Warned To Be Wary Of Using Cell Phones AAP General News May 1, 1999 Pregnant women have been warned to be wary of using mobile phones after it was found cell phone radiation produced by wireless devices caused birth defects in chicken embryos, it is reported in tomorrow’s The Sunday Telegraph. US […]

Cell Phone Usage Amid Health Hazards

British Scientists Nix Cell Phone Usage Amid Health Hazards A major report due out later this month and based on eminent research carried out by scientists at Bristol Royal Infirmary, a UK hospital, will link cellular phone usage with short-term memory loss, Newsbytes has learned. Some of the scientists involved with the study have dramatically […]

International Study On Health Effects Of Mobile Cell Phone Radiation

International Study On Health Effects Of Mobile (Cellular) Phones To Go Ahead International Union Against Cancer Press Release September 14, 1998 An international study of whether mobile phone use causes brain cancer in humans is feasible. This was the conclusion of a group of scientists from 10 countries who met at the International Agency for […]

Study cell phone radiation causing cancer

Study cell phone radiation causing cancer The Age Online Journalist: Adrian Rollins September 9, 1998 With up to a third of Australians now using mobile phones, the Federal Government has commissioned a study to determine if they damage users’ brains. With almost six million Australians connected to the mobile phone network, concerns have increased that […]

My Daughter In Heaven, Angel Leigh Coates (A Tragedy of EMF’s)

 Angel Leigh Coates 1995-1995   Archived text and images from the first post on rfsafe.com website 1998 First of all, I must express my thank you for visiting RF Safe.  Every hit this site receives makes our mission that much stronger! “The preservation of life and well-being for all humanity.” John’s Dedication “rfsafe.com was formed […]

The potential harmful effects of cell phone radiation

Europeans Tackle Cell Phone Radiation Hazards TechWeb Journalist: Andrew Craig June 22, 1998 Fears about the potential harmful effects of radiation from devices such as cellular phones could be eased — at least in Europe — by a set of new proposals. A series of proposals intended to limit the exposure of the general public […]

Government Hasnt Considered “Risks” of cell phone radiation

Newspaper Questions Whether Government Has Considered “Risks” Of Wireless Investor’s Business Daily May 29, 1997 Alster, Norm — Already, 300 communities have implemented moratoria on wireless antenna siting for reasons of health, aesthetics, and property values. But in planning to generate $23 billion for the budget through wireless spectrum auctions, the government seems to not […]

Germans Seek Cell phone Radiation Controls

Germans Seek Cell phone Radiation Controls Newsbytes News Network Journalist: Steve Gold April 1, 1993 Just as the furor in the US over handheld cellphone radiation has started to die down, the German authorities have been spurred into action. Juergen Bernhardt, head of the German federal office of radiation (BfS), has made a formal request […]