Tag Archives: Cell Phone Radiation

Did Radiation From Cell Phones Cause UK’s 100% Increase in Early Dementia Starting at 30

New research reveals that numbers of those affected by dementia in the UK is escalating. By 2015 there will be 850,000 people living with dementia and if current trends stay the same and no action is taken, this number is expected to bypass two million by 2051. Dementia_UK_Second_edition_-_Overview A report published this week prepared by […]

Interview About Cell Phone Radiation Risk On Mobilize Documentary Premiere Night

 In this segment, is your cell phone killing you? Phone Radiation Risk Revealed – Aired Sept 11 2014   Interview with Joel Moskowitz, Ph.D. Director of the Center for Family and Community Health in the School of Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley. Moskowitz has conducted research on disease prevention programs and policies […]

Keepin’ it REAL, Ebola Is Deadlier Than Cell Phone Radiation

I wasn’t even in high school yet, but I can remember the day in 1976 that news headlines first informed the world about a virus which was so deadly and painful; it must have escaped the pits of hell.   The fear was easily seen on faces as nuns at my school gathered us to […]

Human Cell Phone and WiFi Radiation Experiments Violate Nuremberg Treaty

Scientist Barry Trower has announced that the telecommunications industry, with the cooperation of governments around the world, is violating the Nuremberg treaty by allowing human experimentation on a global scale. Long after Hitler’s death, inside the industrial complexes of the most valued corporations on earth — the tradition of violating human rights for global domination […]

Cell phone use and brain tumours linked in CERENAT case-control study.

Friday Sep 5, 2014  – Heavy use of cell phones linked to brain tumors – new study A case-control study in France confirms the possibility that using cell phones increases the risk of  primary central nervous system tumors such as gliomas and meningiomas. Long term studies tend to find an positive association between use of […]

New Study Clues Into What Level of Magnetic Flux Density Triggers ROS Oxidative Response

With a lot of doubt surrounding the FCC’s current SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) wireless radiation safety regulations. The next question to ask is, what is the desired intensity of the electromagnetic waves that we should avoid? At what level of intensity is the effect upon biological systems negligible, or of no known consequence? A new […]

Cell Tower Radiation and Its Impact on Humans and the Environment

A speech on Cell tower radiation and its impact on human beings and the environment was held on 10/11/2014 in MVJ CE Bangalore. The keynote speech was given by the Chief Guest Mr. Sanjeev Bhatt, Chief Executive officer, NESA Radiation solutions. The world has experienced a phenomenal growth in the number of smartphone users. The […]

Budget Cut for Professor Olle Johansson Research On Cell Phone and Wifi Radiation

The Karolinska Institute for the second time wants to reduce the space allocated to the brilliant Olle Johansson, Associate professor, The Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, in order to down-size his work. Professor Olle Johansson’s scientific work is impeccable! He possesses huge capacity, competence and brilliance as a world-renowned scientist […]

Study:Proof Cell Phone Radiation Exacerbates Disease In Which Inflammation Is An Etiologic Factor

Millions of people around the world are becoming increasingly sensitive to radio frequency radiation;  often manifesting itself as pain and mild inflammation (Latin, īnflammō, “I ignite, set alight”) brought on through the complex biological response of vascular tissues as a result of harmful man-made stimuli — such as stressed or damaged cells from exposure to […]

iPhone 5 and iPhone 6s Plus RF Safe Radiation Shield Tested with a Cornet RF Meter

The only iPhone cell phone case radiation shield that deflects cell phone radiation using an RF radiation shielded flip cover! Attention iPhone users………. The risk of cancer from cell phone radiation is real! Watch the video! Get in the green zone NOW! BE RF SAFE TO BE SURE! ProTECT YOURSELF FROM IPHONE RADIATION! https://www.rfsafe.com/product-category/apple/   […]