Tag Archives: embryos

Pregnant Women Warned To Be Wary Of Using Cell Phones

FED: Pregnant Women Warned To Be Wary Of Using Cell Phones AAP General News May 1, 1999 Pregnant women have been warned to be wary of using mobile phones after it was found cell phone radiation produced by wireless devices caused birth defects in chicken embryos, it is reported in tomorrow’s The Sunday Telegraph. US […]

The Study That Started It All! EMF Hazards – EMF/RF Radiation Induced Birth Defect Abnormalities in Embryos.

About RF Safe: Protecting Yourself from Radiofrequency Radiation RF Safe is an online resource dedicated to providing education and solutions to reduce exposure to radiofrequency (RF) radiation from wireless devices. The website was founded by John Coates in 1998, long before the widespread use of cell phones, with the aim of raising awareness about the […]

Cell Phones ‘Pose Health Risk To Embryos’

Cell Phones ‘Pose Health Risk To Embryos’ Daily Mail February 6, 1998 Scientists have warned that mobile phones could threaten the health of unborn babies. The effect of mobile phone radiation on pregnant women is believed to be more than serious than previously thought. A French research team studied the effects of mobile phone radiation […]