Tag Archives: iPhone Radiation

Best iPhone 6 Radiation Case For Protection From Almost Illegal iPhone 6s Plus

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The fact that Apple is not pioneering better radiation management technology to lower the SAR level output on iPhone hardware, tells us their desire to retain huge profit margins — point to Apple using low-quality RF shielding and outdated antenna designs to cut cost when mass producing these devices.  Otherwise Vortis Technology would already be […]

Bendghazi Style Cover-up Apple Blames Bent iPhones On Youtubers BendGate Video

Are news reports that the iPhone 6 is prone to bending actually a plot orchestrated by mainstream media?  That’s what Apple rumors are starting to say about the original video that broke the BendGate story. Apple’s publicist want you to believe the Smartphone designer is merely the patsy in a wider conspiracy to defame the […]

iDon’tcare Tim Cook is Gay, Apple’s iOriginal Sin Is Being In Denial

Right now, I am in a cynical moment; and I am thinking that Apple will get some positive press for this “heroic” bs move by the chairman, instead of the coverage it has been getting of the rather unimpressive iOS 8 software and iPhone 6 Plus hardware which is only .01 under legal limits set for […]

iPhone 5 and iPhone 6s Plus RF Safe Radiation Shield Tested with a Cornet RF Meter

The only iPhone cell phone case radiation shield that deflects cell phone radiation using an RF radiation shielded flip cover! Attention iPhone users………. The risk of cancer from cell phone radiation is real! Watch the video! Get in the green zone NOW! BE RF SAFE TO BE SURE! ProTECT YOURSELF FROM IPHONE RADIATION! https://www.rfsafe.com/product-category/apple/   […]