Tag Archives: New York Times

The Wireless Industry and Media are War-Gaming 5G Critics

The article discusses concerns about the potential health risks of wireless technology, including cell phones and the upcoming 5G technology. The author argues that the wireless industry has downplayed these concerns and obstructed a full and fair understanding of the science, aided by government agencies that prioritize commercial interests over human health. The article cites […]

Slate.com’s Apocalyptical Writer Philip Plait Ushers In Death By Leaving Wireless Radiation Out Of Doomsday Scenario

Phil Plait writes Slate’s Bad Astronomy blog @BadAstronomer which amounts to very bad science as well.  This self proclaiming evangelizer of death, and author of Death From the Skies seems to cunningly look forward to your children dying of cancer like the devil himself disguised as a grim reaper. At least that’s the only way […]