Tag Archives: Non-Ionizing Radiation

How Do RF Safe Flip Cover Radiation Shields Work? – Technology Review

1. Materials Used for Shielding Electromagnetic Radiation 1(a) RF Shielded fabric is made from polyester filaments woven with a blend of micro-fine conductive threads.  The  shielding fabric is than combined with a proprietary layer of CR foam rubber designed to keep your phones display screen looking like new while deflecting potentially harmful radiation away. 1(b) […]

Lloyd’s of London Insurance Won’t Cover Smartphones – WiFi – Smart Meters – Cell Phone Towers By Excluding ALL Wireless Radiation Hazards

FOLLOW THE MONEY – Insurance Racket Won’t Take The Bet! Lloyd’s of London excludes coverage for RF/EMR claims – Interview With Sharon Noble – March 18th 2015 Letter to Government from Sharon Noble – Director of Coalition to Stop Smart Meters in BC Premier Clark, Mr. Bennett and Mr. Reimer, RE: Lloyd’s of London excludes […]

Diagnosis and Management of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity EHS BSEM March 2014

EHS (electro-hypersensitivity) was first recognized in 1932 by the German medical doctor Erwin Schliephake. He published scientific data in the German Medical Weekly about his patients that were experiencing unusual symptoms around radio towers. He called this condition “microwave sickness” or “radio wave sickness”. The symptoms he observed were: Headaches to the point of intolerability […]

Breaking News: Canadian MP warns consumers of health risks related to cell phone radiation

Terence Young is Oakville’s MP of Southern Ontario, Canada. Located in Halton Region, on Lake Ontario, it is part of the Greater Toronto Area. As of the 2011 census the population was 182,520 making it one of Canada’s largest cities. The insightful conservative MP Terence Young announced that he has multi-party support from MP’s across […]

Berkeley Votes On “Right To Know” Cell Phone Warning Ordinance

UPDATE: Cell phone Radiation Right-To-Know Ordinance Unanimously Passes In Berkeley CA May 13, 2015 The city of Berkeley’s proposed ordinance isn’t about debating the role that cell phones play in the causation of cancer and other medical disorders.  The fact that biologists can demonstrate that electromagnetic radiation generated by cellular phones has biological effects that […]

Alex Jones Covers Cell Phone Radiation Dangers with Dr Devra Davis on Infowars

Alex Jones Covers Cell Phone Radiation Dangers with Dr Devra Davis The references to scientific and medical journals that present the actual evidence for health effects induced by cell phone radiation is painting a grim picture for our children’s future. The wireless industry may say they’re on the side of health, but their actions show […]

AUDIO: Very Informative Discussion on Cell Phone Radiation Health Hazards

  On the September 16th, 2014 edition of Your Call, Rose Aguilar has a conversation with filmmaker, Kevin Kunze about the documentary film Mobilize. The film explores the potential long-term health effects from cell phone radiation as well as the latest scientific research on the issue. Learn what science tell us about cell phone radiation […]

Did Radiation From Cell Phones Cause UK’s 100% Increase in Early Dementia Starting at 30

New research reveals that numbers of those affected by dementia in the UK is escalating. By 2015 there will be 850,000 people living with dementia and if current trends stay the same and no action is taken, this number is expected to bypass two million by 2051. Dementia_UK_Second_edition_-_Overview A report published this week prepared by […]

Human Cell Phone and WiFi Radiation Experiments Violate Nuremberg Treaty

Scientist Barry Trower has announced that the telecommunications industry, with the cooperation of governments around the world, is violating the Nuremberg treaty by allowing human experimentation on a global scale. Long after Hitler’s death, inside the industrial complexes of the most valued corporations on earth — the tradition of violating human rights for global domination […]

New Study Clues Into What Level of Magnetic Flux Density Triggers ROS Oxidative Response

With a lot of doubt surrounding the FCC’s current SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) wireless radiation safety regulations. The next question to ask is, what is the desired intensity of the electromagnetic waves that we should avoid? At what level of intensity is the effect upon biological systems negligible, or of no known consequence? A new […]