Tag Archives: Radiation

High Anxiety over exposure to non-ionizing radiation

High Anxiety over exposure to non-ionizing radiation The Guardian Journalist: Sarah Scott October 20, 1999 The mobile phone industry says its phones and masts are safe, but some scientists and consumers aren’t convinced. Sarah Scott argues that we should exercise caution while research continues Mobile phones have taken the country by storm, with one in […]

Cell Phone Radiation Makes You Age Faster

Cell Phone Radiation Makes You Age Faster Daily Mail October 18, 1999 Constant use of a mobile phone causes premature aging, warn scientists. Low level radiation from the phone ‘heats up’ body cells, damaging skin and making the user look lined and haggard. The study by Nottingham University’s School of Biological Sciences is the latest […]

Dr. George L. Carlo Letter To AT&T Chairman on Cell Phone Radiation

Letter To AT&T Chairman C. Michael Armstrong From WTR Chairman Dr. George L. Carlo This letter reveals that the occurrence of brain cancer and certain types of tumors among cellular phone users is twice that of non-users. Dr. Carlo is requesting AT&T’s assistance to distribute this information to consumers so that they can make an […]

Cell Phone Radiation Going Straight To Your Head

Cell Phone Radiation Going Straight To Your Head Newsweek July 12, 1999 If you live with your cell phone pinned to your ear, listen up. Scientists at Britain’s Bristol University have been testing model heads, complete with “liquid brains,” to analyze the reaction of fake flesh and brain matter to the cell phone’s high-frequency radio […]

Cell Phone On Your Belt Brings Radiation To Liver And Kidneys

Cell Phone On Your Belt Brings Radiation To Liver And Kidneys The Sunday Mirror July 10, 1999 Leaving a mobile phone clipped to your waist leads to a hotspot of radiation being pumped into the liver and kidneys. Yet thousands of people are now attaching mobiles to their belts as they switch to hands-free kits […]

Report On Potential Health Risks Of Radiation From Cell Phones

University Of Warwick: New Report On Potential Health Risks Of Radiation From Mobile Telephones Microwave News June 4, 1999 A new report highlighting the fundamental inadequacy of current safety limits governing public exposure to radiation from mobile telephones has been prepared by Dr. Gerard Hyland, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Physics at the University […]

Health risks from exposure to RF Radiation

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES – Public Health Service National Institutes of Health National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences P. O. Box 12233 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 May 4, 1999 Dear Reader: In 1992, the U.S. Congress authorized the Electric and Magnetic Fields Research and Public Information Dissemination Program (EMF-RAPID Program) in the […]

Pregnant Women Warned To Be Wary Of Using Cell Phones

FED: Pregnant Women Warned To Be Wary Of Using Cell Phones AAP General News May 1, 1999 Pregnant women have been warned to be wary of using mobile phones after it was found cell phone radiation produced by wireless devices caused birth defects in chicken embryos, it is reported in tomorrow’s The Sunday Telegraph. US […]

Cell Phone Radiation ‘Harming Unborn Babies’

Cell Phone Radiation ‘Harming Unborn Babies’ Daily Mail Journalist: David Derbeyshire April 24, 1999 New fears have been raised over mobile phones following research suggesting they could put unborn babies at risk. Scientists found even brief exposure to mild radiation from cell phones causes defects in growing chicken embryos. Chick and human embryos are considered […]

Should I Be Worried About Cell Phone Radiation?

Should I Be Worried About Cell Phone Radiation? Associated Press March 17, 1999 Mobile phones are the growth industry of the Nineties, a success story that is here to stay. They have gone from expensive plaything to essential accessory, but studies seem to suggest that they could cause memory loss and even brain tumors. Other […]