Tag Archives: smartphoneradiation

Microsoft Pays For Patents On Cell Phone Radiation Protection, But Won’t Use Them!

Let’s keep this simple.  What’s safer for your health is smarter, and smarter Smartphone technology is being held back by corporate giants fearful over claims that radiation from wireless devices will harm your health. Joanne Suder, a Baltimore-based plaintiff attorney, said “Dozens and dozens” of patents have been filed by the industry to create radiation-shielding […]

Cell Phone Product Liability Lawsuits Seek Punitive Damages for Brain Tumors in USA

Thirteen consumers have filed a lawsuit in Washington D.C’s superior court that may shed light on the cell phone industry’s alleged cover-up regarding the dangers of exposure to cellphone radiation and may prove to be the next big wave of product liability litigation. This week, Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D. made comments that suggest litigation on […]

Cell Phone Radiation Exposure Increases When Using Wired Hands-Free Headsets

RF Safe rebuts the common misconception reported by media that Hands-free Headsets are hailed as one of the best ways to reduce overall cranial exposure from cell phone radiation by increasing the distance between the phone and head. A new study published in Clinical Neurophysiology suggests it doesn’t take years or even months of exposure […]