WORKSHOP: Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity: The State of Science

April 13, 2023; WORKSHOP: Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity: The State of Science  Follow live on webstream: 👉

Title: Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity: The State of Science – A European Parliament Workshop Hosted by MEP Michele Rivasi (Greens/EFA)

Event Summary: Electromagnetic-Hyper-Sensitivity (EHS) is a condition characterized by the attribution of various, non-specific symptoms to exposure to man-made electromagnetic fields. This European Parliament workshop will discuss the state of science on EHS, presenting research and publications from scientists across Europe. The event aims to foster debate on policy options for addressing EHS.

Date and Location: April 13, 2023, from 14:30 to 18:30, room A5E1 at the European Parliament

The workshop is scheduled to take place from 14:30 to 18:30 Central European Time (CET) on April 13, 2023. To convert CET to Eastern Time (ET) USA, I think you will need to subtract 6 hours. So, the event will take place from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM Eastern Time on April 13, 2023, for those on the US East Coast wanting to tune in.

Context: EHS can be severely disabling, and its relatively high prevalence necessitates a better scientific understanding and more effective treatments. The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (ANSES) estimated in 2018 that EHS affects 5% of the general population, or approximately 25.6 million Europeans.

Key Topics:

  • Latest findings on EHS from science
  • Interpretation of research findings
  • Contributions to current hypotheses and scientific debate
  • Public health and inclusive policy options for supporting EHS-affected individuals and improving their quality of life

Program & Speakers: 14:30 – Opening and Introduction by MEP Michele Rivasi 14:35 – 15:35 – Panel 1: What Science finds? 15:35 – 16:00 – Pause 16:00 – 17:20 – Panel 2: What researchers think? 17:20 – 17:40 – Pause 17:40 – 18:25 – Panel 3: What public health policies can do? 18:25 – Conclusion and Next Steps by MEP Michele Rivasi 18:30 – End of the Workshop

Featured speakers include Sam J. England, Frederic Greco, Yael A. Stein, Dimitrios J. Panagopoulos, Andrew A. Marino, Dariusz Leszczynski, Dominique Belpomme, Magali Koelman, Dumitru Fornea, and Klaus Buchner.

The Importance of Addressing Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity and Why the US Needs Workshops to Prevent Unnecessary Health Suffering

Introduction: The issue of electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) has become increasingly significant in today’s digital age, where reliance on technology and exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) is growing. Despite the existence of scientific studies, workshops, and public awareness campaigns in Europe, the United States lags in addressing this crucial topic. This article highlights the importance of addressing EHS and the need for the US to hold workshops to prevent unnecessary suffering from health effects.

Understanding Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: Electromagnetic hypersensitivity is a condition in which individuals experience various non-specific symptoms attributed to exposure to electromagnetic fields of man-made origins, such as cell phones, Wi-Fi, and other wireless devices. Symptoms can range from mild discomfort to severe disability, impacting an individual’s quality of life and ability to work.

EHS Prevalence and the Need for Action: Studies estimate that around 5% of the general population in Europe is affected by EHS, which translates to millions of people suffering from this condition. Although the prevalence of EHS in the United States is uncertain, it is crucial to recognize that a significant number of people may be affected by it.

A Need for Transparency and Education: One of the main challenges in addressing EHS is the lack of recognized clinical and biological criteria for diagnosis, leading to controversy and skepticism about the condition. Workshops, like those held in the European Parliament, play a vital role in fostering discussion among scientists, researchers, and policymakers to better understand EHS and its potential health effects.

The US should also hold workshops and public awareness campaigns to promote transparency, share scientific findings, and educate the public about the potential health effects of EMFs. These workshops can help develop guidelines, recommendations, and policies to reduce EMF exposure and support individuals affected by EHS.

Preventing Unnecessary Suffering: By addressing EHS and its potential health effects, the US can prevent unnecessary suffering for those who may be affected. Workshops and public awareness campaigns can help EHS sufferers gain access to appropriate healthcare and support services, enabling them to cope with the condition better.

Moreover, the increased awareness can lead to the development of safer technology and more stringent regulations for EMF exposure, reducing the risks associated with EHS and promoting a healthier environment for all.

Conclusion: The topic of electromagnetic hypersensitivity is of utmost importance as our reliance on technology and exposure to electromagnetic fields continues to increase. The United States must follow the example set by European countries in addressing this issue through workshops and public awareness campaigns. By doing so, the US can prevent unnecessary suffering, develop safer technology, and promote a healthier environment for its citizens.

FAQs on Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity:

What is Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS)?

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) is a condition where individuals experience various non-specific symptoms attributed to exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from man-made sources such as cell phones, Wi-Fi, and other wireless devices.

What are the common symptoms of EHS?

Symptoms of EHS can include headaches, fatigue, dizziness, sleep disturbances, skin rashes, heart palpitations, and cognitive difficulties, among others.

What causes EHS?

The exact cause of EHS remains uncertain. Some researchers suggest that it may be due to individual sensitivity to EMFs, while others propose psychological factors or underlying medical conditions.

How is EHS diagnosed?

Diagnosing EHS can be challenging due to the lack of recognized clinical and biological criteria. Medical professionals may use a process of elimination, ruling out other potential causes for the symptoms before attributing them to EHS.

Can EHS be treated?

There is no specific treatment for EHS. However, management strategies may include reducing EMF exposure, implementing stress reduction techniques, and addressing any underlying medical conditions.

How can I reduce my exposure to EMFs?

You can reduce EMF exposure by using wired connections instead of wireless, keeping a distance from electronic devices, turning off devices when not in use, and using shielding materials to block EMFs.

Is EHS recognized as a disability?

EHS is not universally recognized as a disability. However, some countries and organizations have acknowledged the need for better support and protection for those affected by EHS.

Can children be affected by EHS?

Yes, children can be affected by EHS. In fact, some researchers suggest that children may be more vulnerable to the effects of EMFs due to their developing brains and thinner skulls.

Are there any regulations for EMF exposure?

There are some guidelines and limits for EMF exposure, but they vary significantly between countries and organizations. Critics argue that these guidelines do not adequately protect public health, particularly for sensitive individuals.

Where can I find more information about EHS?

You can find more information about EHS through reputable organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) or national health agencies.

Share Twitter posts:

  1. Are you experiencing unexplained symptoms? #ElectromagneticHypersensitivity may be the cause. Learn more about #EHS and how to reduce your exposure to EMFs. 🔌📵
  2. Did you know? #EHS affects millions of people worldwide, but it remains a controversial and misunderstood condition. Let’s raise awareness and support those affected by Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity. 📡💙
  3. Protect your health and reduce #EMF exposure! Turn off devices when not in use, use wired connections, and maintain a safe distance from electronic devices. 🛡️ #EHS
  4. Children may be more vulnerable to the effects of EMFs. Be mindful of their exposure to wireless devices and consider implementing safer alternatives. 👦👧 #ElectromagneticHypersensitivity #EHS
  5. Let’s advocate for more research, education, and support for individuals affected by #ElectromagneticHypersensitivity. Together, we can create a healthier environment for everyone. 🌐🌿 #EHS