Brain Tumors – Does Cell Phone Radiation Cause Brain Cancer?

Brain Tumors are now the leading cancer that causes death in children and the rate adults are getting brain tumors on the same side of the head as their mobile is held now has many questioning cell phone radiation safety.

Could cell phone radiation from towers, wifi and wireless hand-held devices be responsible for a shocking increase in brain tumors over the last 10 years?

brain-tumors-cell-phone-radiation-brain-cancerAccording to the Brain Tumor Foundation of Canada, brain tumors are the leading cause of cancer death in children under the age of 20, now surpassing acute lymphoblastic leukemia. They are the third leading cause of cancer death in young adults ages 20-39. –

Research published by Dr. Lennart Hardell indicates that brain tumor risk increases with more years of cell phone use. Proving the effects of cell phone radiation are cumulative with more hours of use, those with the most usage had a 300% increase in having a brain tumor on the same side as a cell phone was most used. The official technical abstract of this study can be found here:

This has many people worried, and others are simply convinced that cell phone radiation exposure is responsible for causing brain tumors. Just a few weeks ago, January 6th 2014, the head of the FCC, Charmin Tom Wheeler was confronted by activist claiming cell phone radiation had injured or killed their loved-ones. Video of the confrontation can be seen on, as well as Tom Wheelers response. Some calling him a wolf in sheep’s clothing for letting the wireless industry get away with murder.

“If these assumptions are true and cell phone radiation is hazardous and even deadly – we could be facing an epidemic of cancers in 30-40 yr old’s in the near future, because the explosive growth in smart phone usage among teens,” says John Coates, Founder of RF Safe

With all the doubt surrounding the safety of cell phone radiation, cell phone users need to adopt a precautionary approach to using cell phones as safe as possible.

Here is what RF Safe suggest cell phone users do to protect themselves from excessive cell phone radiation exposure. Follow safe usage tips, and use the following cell phone safety accessories.

1) Replace the hands-free headset that came with your cell phone with an RF Safe Air-Tube Headset.

2) Use a RF Safe Pocket Shield or Flip Case Radiation Shield to block phone radiation when carrying the cell phone near the body.

3) Use a Clamp on Ferrite Bead to reduce phone radiation traveling up a headset’s wire.