Former President of Microsoft Canada Advocates for Wireless Radiation Safety

The former longtime president of Microsoft Canada is now a leading advocate for wireless radiation safety. High tech leader Frank Clegg is co-founder and now CEO of a new non-profit organization, Canadians for Safe Technology (,– recently he talked about peer-reviewed scientific research ignored by Health Canada in their review of Safety Code 6.  The leadership, planning and people behind this organization is top notch; God Bless C4ST’s mission as they pressure Canada to protect your health, and your children from wireless radiation hazards!

Video Aired July 10 2014

Below excerpt from: EMFs & Dirty Electricity – INVISIBLE THREAT at Vitality Magazine

A Call for All Canadians

Take Action

Here’s what you can do to make Canada’s hi-tech landscape healthier:

Help us Change Safety Code 6.

Health Canada has contracted the Royal Society of Canada (as it does every few years) to “update” Safety Code 6. The current panel is very conflicted. The Chair, Daniel Krewski, has already resigned after the Canadian Medical Association Journal published an exposé showing conflict of interest. (19) Two other scientists have resigned. There remain four of eight members with conflicts that should exclude them. Details are on our website (20)

There will be no changes unless people speak out. Please consider our 3-step plan:

1) Visit, and Join our non-profit group. There is power in numbers. From our site you can send an email to the Royal Society President, Dr. Grise, expressing concern that the Expert Panel is conflicted. Email Health Canada voicing your disappointment that Safety Code 6 is outdated and does not protect us against the biological harm from wireless radiation.

2) Contact your City Council: This is an election year. Vocally and repeatedly demand a safer wireless policy from any candidate you would like to endorse. If they refuse, find a candidate who will step up.

3) Contact your School Trustees: It is an election year for school trustees also. Ask and re-ask each candidate how they intend to protect children from wireless radiation at school. Suggest hardwiring most computers at school; suggest a school in each district that is Wi-Fi free, or Wi-Fi free zones in each school. Support trustees who will discourage BYOD schemes.

We are C4ST, Canadians for Safe Technology, not No Technology and we are convinced that there is nothing less than the future of our children at stake. The tide is beginning to turn and in numbers, our voices will be heard.