RF Safe Cell Phone Radiation Shields Prevent Fetal Radiation Exposure

RF Safe cell phone radiation protection designed in fashionable pink intends to protect unborn babies from exposure to cell phone radiation.

Cambridge, Massachusetts (PRWEB) January 06, 2014

According to RF Safe, women with cell phones today have much to worry about if two areas of women’s health turn out to be affected by cell phone radiation. In 2013 links to breast cancer from cell phone radiation was given a lot of media attention. Dec, 6 Dr. Oz publicly stated that a woman’s bra is no place for a cell phone. On that episode of Dr. Oz show, he officially announced the Bra’s “No Phone Zone” movement backed by a nonprofit breast cancer organization – BE AWARE.FOUNDATION http://www.nophoneinbra.com

RF Safe takes the issue of public awareness to potential cell phone hazards very seriously. In 2014, RF Safe pledged $1 for each pink pocket or purse shield sold in 2014 to the beast cancer organization behind the “No Phone Zone”.

However when it comes to women’s health and cell phone radiation exposure there is something even more concerning. New studies say there is reason to suspect that cell phone use could be harming unborn babies. Researchers at Yale studied the effects of cell phone radiation on the offspring of pregnant mice and determined exposure to could result in developmental disabilities including ADHD, their study says in the March 15 issue of Scientific Reports.


The study is the first of its kind to link cell phone radiation to developmental disorders in offspring, according to author Dr. Hugh S. Taylor, chief of the Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at Yale Medical School.

“We have shown that behavioral problems in mice that resemble ADHD are caused by cell phone exposure in the womb,” Taylor said. “The rise in behavioral disorders in human children may be in part due to fetal cellular telephone irradiation exposure.”

Dr. Francene Gallousis, at Northern Westchester Hospital in Mt. Kisco, N.Y., said that “I think there is something to all this, but I don’t know exactly what it is or how concerned we should be right now.”

“It can’t be ignored — it needs to be looked into,” she added.

Gallousis did suggest that to be safe, women should limit their exposure to cell phone radiation. She advised them to try to limit the time talking on the cell phone and to not leave it on if it doesn’t have to be.

cell-phone-radiation-shield-pink-purse-shieldRF Safe’s Founder, John Coates suggest using a very easy to use cell phone radiation shield between the phone and body when wireless devices are either carried in a purse or pocket.

Coates said, RF Safe Pocket Shields can prevent these risks of adverse health effects to fetal and child development by using a barrier that microwave radiation from cell phones cannot penetrate.

Soon to be mothers need to understand the possible ramifications of such scientific results,” says Coates. The thought that a little prudent avoidance from exposure to cell phone radiation can reduce the chances of debilitating disorders in growing children is worth the ever so slight inconvenience of making sure women in child bearing years are always shielding themselves from radiation, he said.

To learn more about smartphone accessories that provide protection from cell phone radiation visit http://www.rfsafe.com


RF SAFE is the world’s premier provider of cell phone radiation protection accessories and informational data. Since 1998 RF (Radio Frequency) Safe has been dedicated to evolving the wireless industries safety standards, by engaging in the business of design, testing, manufacture, and sale of safety technologies to mitigate harmful effects of cell phone radiation!