Tag Archives: Cell Phone SAR

MOTHERS Pregnancy Stage and Fetal Position Affects Baby’s Radiation Exposure

On August 7 2014, the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine published a study done jointly by the  Institut Mines-Telecom and Orange, France.  The study gives insight into theoretically flawed standards indicating acceptable thermal absorption levels on a human fetus using microwave radiation at 2100 MHz  — a frequency band commonly used in consumer wireless devices. […]

Study Cell Phone Radiation Can Damage Eyes Cause Early Cataracts

The scientists, who have studied the impact of electromagnetic waves on human eye, say that cell phone usage can also lead to early cataract in lens apart from affecting retina, cornea and other ocular systems of the eye. While scientists across the globe are still debating whether cell phone radiation exposure results in brain tumors, […]

No Surprise! FCC’s Inquiry Into Cell Phone Radiation Favors Wireless Corporations

The FCC has deemed when it comes to exposure to cell phone radiation your ears aren’t part of your body anymore. If we go back to June, 2012, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced it was reviewing its rules on radiation exposure from cell phones.  The FCC’s current Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) limits were set […]

Is Bluetooth Radiation as Dangerous as Cell Phone Radiation?

Is Bluetooth Radiation Dangerous? Bluetooth radiation has been even less studied than cell phone radiation. The lack of formal studies has enabled the ‘experts’ to claim that Bluetooth radiation is safe. This claim is based not on research proving Bluetooth radiation safe but rather on a lack of study proving it unsafe, which is changing […]

Royal Decree Prohibits Selling Children Under 7 Cell Phones Amid Radiation Concerns

A Royal Decree is showing the world that America is lagging far behind with respect to establishing proper safety regulations to protect its population (especially young children) from a greedy monolithic wireless industry. Click here to see just how bad America has lost the checks and balances between the government agencies design to protect the […]

Google Glass Radiation: Health Risk from Wearable Wireless SAR Levels Exceed Smartphones

The Google Glass emits more wireless radiation than most cell phones on the market, but unlike cell phone users, Glass users may be wearing this device on their heads for more than 12 hours a day putting their health at risk. Apr. 15, 2014 – BERKELEY, Calif. — The Google Glass emits both Wi-Fi and […]

Meta-Study Proves Cell Phone Radiation Exposure Impacts Male Infertility

Men that want to start a family may want to reconsider how closely they store their cell phone to the family jewels. A new meta-analysis of ten past studies, found a consistent drop in sperm quality if the men had been exposed to cell phone radiation. “The implications are likely to be greatest for subgroups […]

Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR – FCC Cell Phone Radiation Exposure Limits

Looking for how to find the Specific Absorption Rate of your Smartphone? It doesn’t get any easier than this. Simply enter your FCC ID below (include dashes when applicable) FCC CELLULAR VALUES: Head SAR Levels – Body SAR –  Hotspot SAR FCC SIMULTANEOUS VALUES:  Head SAR  –  Body SAR  –  Hotspot SAR Enter the Phone’s FCC ID: Popular smartphones […]

RF Safe Launches Social Deal Savings On Smartphone Radiation Safety Accessories

RF Safe offers instant social share coupon savings on the fastest-trending cell phone accessories on the market. It only takes one click to save money on the best cell phone radiation safety accessories. Silicon Valley, California (PRWEB) January 04, 2014 RF Safe, the world’s premier provider of cell phone radiation protection accessories and informational data, […]

RF Safe Reminds Parents That Radiation from Cell Phones is Possibly Carcinogenic for Children

RF Safe announces concerns over millions of children using smart phones around the world without understanding the health risk of cancer from exposure to cell phone radiation. Palo Alto, CA (PRWEB) December 27, 2013 RF Safe is concerned that the general public is not aware of the potential health hazards from exposure to cell phone […]