Tag Archives: EMF Research

FACT: DNA Damage at below safe Cell Phone Radiation Levels

Readers are probably familiar with the idea of electrophoresis, although they may not know the term. The technique is used for DNA fingerprinting to determine paternity. In television documentaries we often see forensic scientists holding a small X-ray film with lines of bar-codes. These bars are the physical locations of the genetic material after the […]

Microwave Effects of Low Level Radiation on Genetic Material

Final Work, Assembly & Research; Geet Duggal Viewing Page 1 of 2 Pages Effects of Low Level Radiation on Genetic Material Foreward Site 1- Genetics and Radiation Physics Site 2 – The Microwave Effect The Microwave Effect History of theories Experiments Reconsidering the theories Site 3 – (Really Detailed Stuff) Supporting evidence at the cellular […]

DTI and Which? At Odds Over Phone Safety

DTI and Which? At Odds Over Cell Phone Safety The Register Journalist: Lucy Sheriff August 08, 2000 Consumers have been left without a clue – should they go hands-6.00 or clamp their  cell phone to their ear? Research published by the government today indicates that hands-6.00 mobile phone kits are safe to use. These new […]