Tag Archives: Health Effects

Cell phone radiation and cancer: Just how much more scientific proof do you need?

Cell phones emit a dangerous non-ionizing form of electromagnetic radiation; radiation which can be absorbed by the tissues and cells which come into close contact with the phone, e.g., the head and neck. Scientific studies in the past have produced conflicting results; however, more recent studies working with long term exposure, (ten years or more), […]

Tom Wheeler, new chairman of the F.C.C. suppressed research on the health effects of cell phone radiation

President Barack Obama put a “Wolf in sheep’s clothing” when he appointed the former chief lobbyist for the wireless industry to chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which regulates the safety of wireless devices. UPDATE: Video shows a growing dissonance among communities about the government’s lack of action to protect the American people from […]

Microwave Effects of Low Level Radiation on Genetic Material

Final Work, Assembly & Research; Geet Duggal Viewing Page 1 of 2 Pages Effects of Low Level Radiation on Genetic Material Foreward Site 1- Genetics and Radiation Physics Site 2 – The Microwave Effect The Microwave Effect History of theories Experiments Reconsidering the theories Site 3 – (Really Detailed Stuff) Supporting evidence at the cellular […]


CURRENT SCIENCE ON RADIATION FROM CELL PHONES – Radiation is the transport of energy in an electromagnetic wave. These waves are used by cell phones to communicate. But not only the cell phones emit also devices like the TV, microwaves, hair dryers, stove, computer screen, radio antennas, electric light, etc.. Even in nature. The sun […]

Reported Health Effects From Non-Ionizing RF Radiation

Reported Biological Effects From Non-Ionizing Radio-frequency RF Radiation Low Level RF Radiation Health Concern The following studies indicate biological effects at cell phone rf radiation exposure levels which are far below what can be explained by “thermal effects”, and well within the range people are commonly exposed to every day on their cell phones. NOTE: […]

Hidden Hazards Of Cell Phone Radiation

The Hidden Hazards Of Cell Phone Radiation – A Revised Hidden Menace Of Radiation The Times Journalist: Nigel Powell Every time you pick up a cell phone, switch on a television or walk past an electricity pylon, you are exposed to electro-magnetic radiation. Although EMR is naturally occurring, our increasing dependence on technology is worrying […]

Brain Damage

Brain Damage Red Herring Journalist: Niall McKay October, 2000 That driver with the cell phone may not be paying attention – or maybe it’s a tumor. Since the first yuppies held brick-size cell phones to their ears, the question has loomed. Do cell phones cause brain damage to the 200 million people who use them? […]

Are We Lab Rats For The Cell Phone Industry?

Are We Lab Rats For The Cell Phone Industry? EWeek Journalist: Maria Seminerio August 18, 2000 The next time you use your cell phone — and if you’re like most business people you see riding planes, trains and automobiles lately, you’ll probably start dialing any second now — think about this: There have been some […]

Can Cell Phones Cause Cancer ?

Can Cell Phones Cause Cancer ? IEEE Spectrum By Kenneth R. Foster, University of Pennsylvania & John E. Moulder, Medical College of Wisconsin August, 2000 A driver using a wireless telephone might be worried about having an accident, even while being reassured that if one were to happen, he or she could call for help. […]

Cell Phone Health Studies Continue

Cell Phone Health Studies Continue Medill News Service Journalist: Katherine Hunt August 11, 2000 It’s too soon to say whether radio frequency emissions from cellular phones cause adverse health effects, including brain cancer, say scientists at a recent Food and Drug Association conference. “The scientific community is in agreement that [prior] research [shows cell phones] […]