Tag Archives: Health Warning

Scientific Experts on Cellphone Radiation Demand Stronger FCC Safety Regulations

The FCC request for comments on a review of cellphone radiation regulations generated more than 950 submissions — most calling for stronger safety regulation.  Many cite research that finds the 18 yr old guidelines outdated, not applicable to woman and children, and more importantly dangerous to humans at under current acceptable FCC exposure levels.   […]

LAW:Berkeley, CA Proposes Warning Labels Alerting of Cell Phone Radiation Dangers

Berkeley city officials are drafting a measure that will require cell phone retailers to put labels on  packaging warning consumers that wireless devices could emit cancer-causing levels of radiation.  Officials said the ordinance’s language will be drafted in a way that complies with the First Amendment, after a similar effort in San Francisco was defeated […]

Royal Decree Prohibits Selling Children Under 7 Cell Phones Amid Radiation Concerns

A Royal Decree is showing the world that America is lagging far behind with respect to establishing proper safety regulations to protect its population (especially young children) from a greedy monolithic wireless industry. Click here to see just how bad America has lost the checks and balances between the government agencies design to protect the […]

Hawaii Senator Calls for Cell Phone Radiation Warning Labels on Cell Phones

According to RF Safe, Hawaii could be first state to require by law that consumers are made aware of potentially dangerous cell phone radiation emissions from wireless devices with cell phone radiation warning labels. According to RF Safe, Hawaii could be first state to require by law that consumers are made aware of potentially dangerous […]

RF Safe Reminds Parents That Radiation from Cell Phones is Possibly Carcinogenic for Children

RF Safe announces concerns over millions of children using smart phones around the world without understanding the health risk of cancer from exposure to cell phone radiation. Palo Alto, CA (PRWEB) December 27, 2013 RF Safe is concerned that the general public is not aware of the potential health hazards from exposure to cell phone […]

RF Safe New Year’s Resolutions – Lower Potential Health Risk From Cell Phone Radiation Exposure

Start the New Year off healthy by taking the necessary steps to limit risk from cell phone radiation exposure. RF Safe wants cell phone users to make it their new year’s resolution to protect themselves and love-ones from potentially hazardous microwave radiation. Palo Alto, CA (PRWEB) December 23, 2013 Healthy habits are on everyone’s top […]

Buying a Smartphone For Your Child – An RF Safe Air-tube Headset Is a Smart Call

In Response to New Research RF Safe Suggests an Air-tube Headset for Parents Buying Smartphones for Children. San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) December 15, 2013 The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health, ANSES, announced today the results of a two-year review by an expert Working Group of the scientific research on the risks related […]

Cell phone radiation and cancer: Just how much more scientific proof do you need?

Cell phones emit a dangerous non-ionizing form of electromagnetic radiation; radiation which can be absorbed by the tissues and cells which come into close contact with the phone, e.g., the head and neck. Scientific studies in the past have produced conflicting results; however, more recent studies working with long term exposure, (ten years or more), […]

Dr. Oz says holding a cell phone in your bra can cause breast cancer

Posted on Dr.Oz FaceBook FanPage [12/6/2013 10:27:56 PM] John Coates: Dr. Oz, Thank you for covering the topic of cell phones and breast cancer on your show today. However, when reading several syndication’s about your show – many media outlets are suggesting that using a wired hands free headset as a good way to reduce […]

Can Cell Phones Cause Cancer ?

Can Cell Phones Cause Cancer ? IEEE Spectrum By Kenneth R. Foster, University of Pennsylvania & John E. Moulder, Medical College of Wisconsin August, 2000 A driver using a wireless telephone might be worried about having an accident, even while being reassured that if one were to happen, he or she could call for help. […]