Tag Archives: Tom Wheeler

Consumer Reports Gets It Dangerously Wrong on Cell-Phone Cancer Connection

Action Alert! Please write to Consumer Reports immediately and address their inaccurate, biased, and unbalanced reporting. Give them the facts—and tell them to retract all misleading information quoted from John Boice Jr., Sc.D., — a known pro-wireless researcher within an ever shrinking circle of scientist whose ethics as humans, much less doctors are willing to […]

Did Cell Phone Radiation Cause Brain Tumor Of VP Joe Biden’s Son Beau Biden?

The tragic death of Joseph Robinette “Beau” Biden III, the son of Vice President Biden and former attorney general of Delaware, has put attention on a strong feeling of Deja Vu when the obvious — that “cell phone radiation does cause brain cancer” — could be responsible for taking the life of another great American […]

FCC is led by a former lobbyist; the lobbyists are led by former FCC leaders.

This really explains why there is a growing dissonance among communities about the government’s lack of action to protect the American people from wireless radiation. This was clearly seen in January 2014 when FCC chairman Tom Wheeler was in Silicon Valley.  The full video can be seen at RF Safe here https://www.rfsafe.com/fcc-chairman-tom-wheeler-confronted-cell-phone-radiation-silicon-valley/ A story published […]