Monthly Archives: August 2014

Former President of Microsoft Canada Advocates for Wireless Radiation Safety

The former longtime president of Microsoft Canada is now a leading advocate for wireless radiation safety. High tech leader Frank Clegg is co-founder and now CEO of a new non-profit organization, Canadians for Safe Technology (,– recently he talked about peer-reviewed scientific research ignored by Health Canada in their review of Safety Code 6.  The […]

Study Cell Phone Radiation Can Damage Eyes Cause Early Cataracts

The scientists, who have studied the impact of electromagnetic waves on human eye, say that cell phone usage can also lead to early cataract in lens apart from affecting retina, cornea and other ocular systems of the eye. While scientists across the globe are still debating whether cell phone radiation exposure results in brain tumors, […]

Don’t Get Played By Pong Cases Cell Phone Radiation is No Game

ElectricSense’s Lloyd Burrell asks the question, “Cell Phone Radiation Protection – Do Pong Cases Work?” Continue reading for the Answer! UPDATE: Smartphones Do Cause Cancer – U.S. Government Expected To Advise Public of Health Risk 5/26/2016 Cellphone Radiation Is No Game! RF Safe Case vs Pong Case Lawyers – People Before Profits! Is Cooley LLP […]

Scientific Experts on Cellphone Radiation Demand Stronger FCC Safety Regulations

The FCC request for comments on a review of cellphone radiation regulations generated more than 950 submissions — most calling for stronger safety regulation.  Many cite research that finds the 18 yr old guidelines outdated, not applicable to woman and children, and more importantly dangerous to humans at under current acceptable FCC exposure levels.   […]

No Surprise! FCC’s Inquiry Into Cell Phone Radiation Favors Wireless Corporations

The FCC has deemed when it comes to exposure to cell phone radiation your ears aren’t part of your body anymore. If we go back to June, 2012, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced it was reviewing its rules on radiation exposure from cell phones.  The FCC’s current Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) limits were set […]

How to Teach Kids Wireless Safety with Home/Classroom Cell Phone Experiments

How to Teach Kids RF Safety with Home/Classroom Experiments Parents of today’s children are not grasping the seriousness of accumulated exposure to wireless radiation — most notably this includes all of our beloved wireless gadgets that transmit RF energy in the microwave spectrum.   Exposure to microwaves from commercial grade Wifi routers, or even cell phone towers erected […]