Author Archives: admin

Will RF Radiation From Your Cell Phone Kill You?

Maybe the NCI study is wrong. Maybe the animal studies are wrong. Maybe physics is wrong, and there is some as yet undiscovered mechanism by which these low-energy rf radiation fields do damage to DNA. How big a cancer problem would exposure to radiation from power lines be? It is a tragedy, obviously, for a child […]

Proof of DNA Damage From Cell Phone Radiation Exposure

Since there are so many areas to research even within this arena, this page will be limited to weakly intense electromagnetic radiation that the general population is exposed to commonly. This obviously leads into topics like cellular phone use and more subtle affects of radiation to genetic material! “The question Is not” If cell phone […]

RF Safe Wireless Distributor Opportunities

  RF Safe serves cellular dealers and agents across the globe. Known for quality products, great prices and FAST delivery, we WILL become your trustworthy distributor of cell phone safety accessories. Our goal is to help you succeed and profit from owning and running your business while providing your customers and employees the assurance they’re […]

Brain Damage From Cell Phones Could Hurt Teens Later In Life

Salford, LG, AE Brun, JL Eberhardt, L Malmgren and BRR Persson.  Nerve cell damage in mammalian brain after exposure to microwaves from GSM mobile phones What did they find? As expected, both control and experimental animals had albumin within the hypothalamus. This is normal. A closer look shows things far from normal! Exposed animals (Right), […]

RF Safe Air-tube Headsets – RF Safe Featured In Wall Street Journal Review

RF Safe gets world wide publicity for cell phone radiation safety (Sept 4 2002 issue) Click here to read The Wallstreet Journal’s review of RF Safe Approved Headsets Below letter was sent to The Wall Street Journal along with RF Safe’s products they requested for review August 9, 2002 Hi Stacy, As you may have […]

Lawmakers Push Bill To Fund Wireless Health Research – July 16, 2001

Lawmakers Push Bill To Fund Wireless Health Research RCR Wireless News Journalist: By Jeffrey Silva July 16, 2001 House and Senate lawmakers plan to introduce legislation after the August recess that would provide federal funding for mobile-phone health research and repeal a 1996 law prohibiting local officials from considering health as a factor in reviewing […]

Mobile Phone Makers Patent ‘Radiation Shields’ To Combat Brain Cancer Risk

Mobile Phone Makers Patent ‘Radiation Shields’ To Combat Brain Cancer Risk Wireless NewsFactor Journalist: Jay Wrolstad June 11, 2001 Mobile phone manufacturers have patented “radiation shields” to reduce the risk of brain tumors among consumers, despite their claims that phone use presents no serious health hazards, a British newspaper has reported. Although the companies dismissed […]

Hidden Hazards Of Cell Phone Radiation

The Hidden Hazards Of Cell Phone Radiation – A Revised Hidden Menace Of Radiation The Times Journalist: Nigel Powell Every time you pick up a cell phone, switch on a television or walk past an electricity pylon, you are exposed to electro-magnetic radiation. Although EMR is naturally occurring, our increasing dependence on technology is worrying […]

RF Safe’s Position On Wireless Products & Methodologies For Cell Phone Radiation Safety!

RF Safe’s Position On Wireless Products & Methodologies For Cell Phone Safety! There are a growing number of products coming onto the market, that make statements which claim to offer protection from mobile phone radiation/emissions and simply DO NOT WORK! Only trust RF Safe for cell phone safety accessories that work! Start RF Safe’s Video Intro […]