Category Archives: Cell Phone Radiation

Pure Propaganda | Cell Phone Radiation War Game: No Cancer Risk – Their Money, Your Life

It’s a Zombie thriller but no video game. RF Safe clams that war-gaming real investigative research into proven health effects from cell phone radiation, such as brain tumors and DNA damage, protects enormous cash flows to Governments and Corporations. According to RF Safe, figuratively speaking, its deep inside the front-lines of a covert war , […]

Ferrite Beads Reduce Cell Phone Radiation Health Hazards From Wired Hands-free Headsets

RF Safe has a simple clip-on device under $4.00 to reduce cell phone radiation from wired headsets that help people safely comply with laws in most states in America which require a headset or other hands-free device while driving and talking on a phone. RF Safe has posted on its website a list of states […]

Brain Tumors – Does Cell Phone Radiation Cause Brain Cancer?

Brain Tumors are now the leading cancer that causes death in children and the rate adults are getting brain tumors on the same side of the head as their mobile is held now has many questioning cell phone radiation safety. Could cell phone radiation from towers, wifi and wireless hand-held devices be responsible for a […]

States that require hands free headset: Cell Phone Driving Laws by State

Legislation for laws requiring Hands Free cell phone usage are in effect all over the USA. Ironically, it has been proven wired hands-free headsets often increase radiation exposure when not shielding microwave radiation from traveling up the headsets wire going to the ear bud.   Learn More Here: Cell Phone Radiation Exposure Can Increase When Using […]

New Smartphone Accessories Disconnect Cancer Risk by Lowering Cell Phone Radiation Exposure

The second volume of a report that detailed the “history of technologies later found to be harmful”, has sparked discussion over the possibility that mobile phones have cancer-causing radiation. The European Environment Agency’s Late Lessons From Early Warnings was first published in 2001. The 750-page second edition, published in January, discusses an increased risk of […]

Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR – FCC Cell Phone Radiation Exposure Limits

Looking for how to find the Specific Absorption Rate of your Smartphone? It doesn’t get any easier than this. Simply enter your FCC ID below (include dashes when applicable) FCC CELLULAR VALUES: Head SAR Levels – Body SAR –  Hotspot SAR FCC SIMULTANEOUS VALUES:  Head SAR  –  Body SAR  –  Hotspot SAR Enter the Phone’s FCC ID: Popular smartphones […]

Seattle Seahawks vs Denver Broncos Superbowl Odds Not Greater Than Cancer Risk From Cell Phone Radiation

According to RF Safe, recent studies suggest that cell phone users face huge odds that are not in their favor when it comes to being exposed to cell phone radiation. It maybe safer to bet on your health than the Broncos losing the Superbowl to the Seattle Seahawks. Denver, Colorado (PRWEB) February 02, 2014 RF […]

New study reveals 300% Increased brain cancer risk for long-term users of cell phones and cordless phones

A Swedish study on the use of wireless phones, including cell phones and cordless phones, has uncovered a link between electromagnetic radiation exposures and the risk of malignant and non-malignant brain tumors. Cell phones and cordless phones emit a form of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, radiation which can be absorbed by tissues and cells that come […]

Health Effects from Cell Phones and other Wireless Devices Joel Moskowitz Part 2

Part two of a two-part radio program about the health effects from exposure to radiation from cellphones and other wireless devices. Includes safety tips and policy recommendations. Dr. Joel Moskowitz is interviewed by Tonya Mandich of the Calvary Radio Network (50 minutes total run time). Click here for Part 1