Tag Archives: Airtube headset

RF Safe New Year’s Resolutions – Lower Potential Health Risk From Cell Phone Radiation Exposure

Start the New Year off healthy by taking the necessary steps to limit risk from cell phone radiation exposure. RF Safe wants cell phone users to make it their new year’s resolution to protect themselves and love-ones from potentially hazardous microwave radiation. Palo Alto, CA (PRWEB) December 23, 2013 Healthy habits are on everyone’s top […]

Apple Says No Radiation Awareness By Rejecting iPhone App To Measure Harmful Levels of iPhone Radiation

Having an application which monitors the radiation emitted from iPhones is something savvy consumers need to have in order to be informed about potentially harmful cell phone radiation. When you ask a salesperson at an Apple Store about the SAR ratings of their iPhones, they look at you like they’ve never heard that question/concern before. […]

Buying a Smartphone For Your Child – An RF Safe Air-tube Headset Is a Smart Call

In Response to New Research RF Safe Suggests an Air-tube Headset for Parents Buying Smartphones for Children. San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) December 15, 2013 The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health, ANSES, announced today the results of a two-year review by an expert Working Group of the scientific research on the risks related […]

Cell phone cancer lawsuit Israeli man paid 400k by cell phone company Partner Communications

Partner Communications, which operates in Israel under the name Orange, will pay NIS 400,000 to a customer who contracted cancer in his ear. Partner Communications, which operates in Israel under the Orange brand name, has reached a settlement with a customer who claims he contracted cancer after using one of their devices. The customer, who […]

Cell Phone Radiation Exposure Increases When Using Wired Hands-Free Headsets

RF Safe rebuts the common misconception reported by media that Hands-free Headsets are hailed as one of the best ways to reduce overall cranial exposure from cell phone radiation by increasing the distance between the phone and head. A new study published in Clinical Neurophysiology suggests it doesn’t take years or even months of exposure […]

RF Radiation Safe Air Tube Headset RF Safe Headset

The RF Safe Air Tube Headset with air tube acoustic technology keeps potentially harmful radiation away from your head. The Safest Headset In The World! Next Generation RF Safe Air Tube Headsets Ear Bud The RF Safe Air Tube headset was developed with air tube acoustic technology to keep potentially harmful radiation away from your […]

RF Safe ferrite beads shield wired headset radiation

The Wire Guard suppresses radiation transferred up the headset wire to the earpiece without affecting sound quality. Combined with a air tube headset and pocket shield hands free is safer than ever! “See RFS Gold Package“! Every Cell Phone Needs To BE RF Safe! RFS Headset Radiation Shields are a add-on accessory that can be […]

Brain Damage From Cell Phones Could Hurt Teens Later In Life

Salford, LG, AE Brun, JL Eberhardt, L Malmgren and BRR Persson.  Nerve cell damage in mammalian brain after exposure to microwaves from GSM mobile phones What did they find? As expected, both control and experimental animals had albumin within the hypothalamus. This is normal. A closer look shows things far from normal! Exposed animals (Right), […]

RF Safe Air-tube Headsets – RF Safe Featured In Wall Street Journal Review

RF Safe gets world wide publicity for cell phone radiation safety (Sept 4 2002 issue) Click here to read The Wallstreet Journal’s review of RF Safe Approved Headsets Below letter was sent to The Wall Street Journal along with RF Safe’s products they requested for review August 9, 2002 Hi Stacy, As you may have […]

Cellphone Risk: Could Cancer Lawsuits Come To Europe

Cellphone Risk: Could Cancer Lawsuits Come To Europe ZD Net UK Journalist: Graeme Wearden August 04, 2000 The whole world is watching the outcome of a neurologist’s claim against  cellphone manufacturers If the impending lawsuit against Motorola is successful in the US, it could force mobile phone manufacturers here to settle out of court in […]