Tag Archives: Breast Cancer

Can Blue Light from LED’s Cause Prostate and Breast Cancer?

Cell phones emit blue light, which research has shown disrupts our circadian rhythms, confusing our bodies about when it’s time for sleep. Evidence has been emerging that this could increase people’s risk of getting cancer— and recently, a study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives shows that exposure to blue light could double a […]

Wireless Radiation From Tablet PC Could Be Harming Kids Health Researchers Say

They are being embraced by educators as important learning tools, but some health experts are warning that tablets and smartphones can have harmful health effects, especially on young, developing children. Dr. Devra Davis, President of Environmental Health Trust, says microwave radiation from the devices pose significant risks to children. “The radiation from a cellphone, which […]

(MUST SHARE AUDIO) Berkeley, CA Councilman on Cell Phone Radiation Warning Labels

Berkeley City Councilman Max Anderson is pushing for a law that will require cell phone retailers to put warning labels on the packaging of wireless devices to warning consumers that cell phones could emit cancer causing levels of RF radiation.  Officials said the ordinance’s language will be drafted by a Harvard University law professor in a […]

Pink Cell Phone Radiation Shields for Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2014 Fundraisers

RF Safe’s pink cell phone radiation shields are great for supporting fundraising events for breast cancer awareness. Doctors say keeping cell phones tucked in bras possibly causes breast cancer in young women. RF Safe claims a research team, led by Dr. Lisa Bailey, and one of California’s top breast surgeons, studied four young women – […]

RF Safe Reminds Parents That Radiation from Cell Phones is Possibly Carcinogenic for Children

RF Safe announces concerns over millions of children using smart phones around the world without understanding the health risk of cancer from exposure to cell phone radiation. Palo Alto, CA (PRWEB) December 27, 2013 RF Safe is concerned that the general public is not aware of the potential health hazards from exposure to cell phone […]

RF Safe Supports Breast Cancer Awareness “No Phone Bra Zone” Cell Phone Radiation Safety

Strong anecdotal evidence of breast cancer in young women from exposure to non-ionizing levels of cell phone radiation has started a movement – The “No Phone Bra Zone”  RF Safe pledges $1 to Breast Cancer Awareness for every RF safe Pink Purse shield designed to block risk of cell phone radiation exposure. It’s unfortunate that […]

Dr. Oz: Keeping Your Cell Phone in Your Bra Can Cause Breast Cancer

In Response to Dr. Oz Dec, 6th Show on cell phone radiation causing breast cancer. RF Safe adds pink to the colors of their line of RF radiation shielded cell phone pouches for breast cancer awareness. Palo Alto, CA (PRWEB) December 15, 2013 Dr. Oz said women who keep their cell phones in their bras […]

Breast Cancer Alert! Make Your Bra a ‘No Phone Zone’

Cell phones and cancer. It’s a connection that’s been discussed for years, but one possibility does appear to exist, at least among some women. It all depends on where they carry their cell phone. Convenient Storage Millions of women, especially young ones, choose to keep their cell phone in their bra. It’s convenient because it […]

Cell phone radiation breast cancer link – New study raises grave concerns

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfMkdsUWr-M by: Lloyd Burrell A new study raises concerns of a possible association between cell phone radiation exposure and breast cancer in young women. The research team, led by Dr. Lisa Bailey, a former president of the American Cancer Society’s California Division and one of California’s top breast surgeons, studied four young women – aged […]

Dial C for Cancer

Dial C for Cancer Metro Journalist: Kelly Luker August 31, 2000 Do cell phones equal damaged brain cells? Cancer, tumors, memory loss, radiation sickness. It seems one can’t enjoy technology anymore without its faithful sidekicks, suffering and slow death. Following the well-trodden path of telephones, microwave ovens, electric blankets and power lines, cell phones and […]